I saw several eastern chipmunks around Ausable Club road this morning while
looking for Pine Grosbeaks and was surprised to see them out this early
that far north.  I found several red crossbills (type 3) there, as well as
roughly 56 Pine Siskins, several purple finches and red-breasted
nuthatches, and two Pine Grosbeaks perched in a tree near the Trailhead on
Lake Road.

On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 6:02 PM Joan Collins <joan.coll...@frontier.com>

> Out birding on February, 22, 2018, the windless weather felt like such a
> gift (for an ear birder anyway!).  We visited boreal habitat areas of Long
> Lake, Piercefield, Newcomb, Minerva, and North Hudson, and owled in Long
> Lake after dinner (Rt. 30, Sabattis Circle Road all the way to Sabattis
> Station, and Lake Eaton) – (Hamilton, St. Lawrence, and Essex Counties).
> The calm, cloudy day, turned into a calm, clear night for owling.  The
> stars and moon were spectacular.  The lakes made other-worldly sounds as
> the ice shifted and cracked from so many temperature extremes during the
> past few days.  A Snowshoe Hare bounced across Sabattis Road like a
> brilliant orb in our headlights.  Snowmelt in February creates new dangers
> for a winter-white animal.  During the day, two Eastern Chipmunks were
> actively running around – I don’t recall ever seeing this hibernating
> mammal active in February and I wondered what they will do if we return to
> “winter”.  Here is our species list:
> Ruffed Grouse – displaying bird at the side of Sabattis Circle Road!
> Wild Turkey
> Barred Owl – 3 calling at Lake Eaton in Long Lake
> Northern Saw-whet Owl – 1 tooting along Sabattis Circle Road!
> Downy Woodpecker
> Hairy Woodpecker
> Black-backed Woodpecker – female drumming and viewed along Route 30 (just
> north of John Dillon Park)
> Pileated Woodpecker – some drumming along Sabattis Circle Road and one
> flyover near Horseshoe Lake
> Gray Jay – 8; (pair at Round Lake Trailhead, 3 at Sabattis Bog, 2 at
> Santanoni Dr. in Newcomb, and 1 heard one calling near Sand Pond Marsh in
> North Hudson)
> Blue Jay
> American Crow
> Common Raven
> Black-capped Chickadee
> Boreal Chickadee – 7 (flocks of at least 4 and 3 in the vicinity of Sand
> Pond Marsh along the Blueridge Road) Nice views!
> Red-breasted Nuthatch
> White-breasted Nuthatch – 2 (rare to see this winter!)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet
> Purple Finch – lots of singing!
> Red Crossbill – many!  Rt. 30, Sabattis Rd. (4 gritting with WWCRs),
> Horseshoe Lake Rd. (Rt. 421)
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Rt.+421)+%E2%80%93+2&entry=gmail&source=g>– 2
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Rt.+421)+%E2%80%93+2&entry=gmail&source=g>
> locations (2 gritting with PISIs, and 4 gritting with WWCRs), and several
> locations along the Blueridge Road (in the Sand Pond Marsh vicinity, we
> observed 4 Red Crossbills feeding on Tamarack cone seeds).
> White-winged Crossbill – many! Rt. 30 – several (views past John Dillon
> Park and a pair with a female picking nesting material where we fed Gray
> Jays), Sabattis Rd. - 6, Horseshoe Lake Rd. (Rt. 421) - 2
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Rt.+421)+-+2&entry=gmail&source=g>, and flock
> of at least 6 flying over us as we looked at the Boreal Chickadees in the
> Sand Pond Marsh vicinity
> Pine Siskin – many
> American Goldfinch
> American Tree Sparrow – several at a feeder in Newcomb
> Dark-eyed Junco
> I went out today (February 23, 2018) for a quick trip just before the
> rain/ice began (in Long Lake).  A Pileated Woodpecker loudly foraged along
> Sabattis Circle Road.  Gray Jays are in nesting mode and I only saw one
> pair at Sabattis Bog.  I spotted 2 male Red Crossbills perched along Route
> 28N at the edge of Shaw Pond.  One male was singing from the top of a
> Balsam Fir.  A White-winged Crossbill was calling as it flew around
> Sabattis Bog.  I found 2 male White-winged Crossbills gritting in Sabattis
> Circle Road near a marsh area, and then one flew up to the top of a spruce
> and began to sing.  It’s nice to have nesting birds in winter!
> Joan Collins
> Editor, *New York Birders*
> Long Lake, NY
> (315) 244-7127 cell
> (518) 624-5528 home
> http://www.adirondackavianexpeditions.com/
> http://www.facebook.com/AdirondackAvian
> --
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Zach Schwartz-Weinstein
203 500 7774


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