Manhattan & esp. Central Park, N.Y. City - 15-16-17-18-19th May, 2018 (Tuesday 
to Saturday)

At least 27 (of the 29 or more warbler species of the past 5 days) warbler 
species continued in Manhattan, with a bit of a shift by Saturday and still at 
least 27 species of warblers confirmed for Saturday, May 19th in just Central 
Park alone.

I took in birding times in many areas for the past week & of note, esp. in 
Central Park, or as recently locally re-named for Kevin Topping’s “Kirtland’s 

>From Tuesday & esp. Wed.-Thurs. of last week, & to lesser extent into 
>Friday-Sat., much of the southern half of Manhattan island contained a massive 
>number of migrant birds, mainly songbirds of a wide variety, with perhaps a 
>dozen species most strongly represented (E. Wood-Pewee, Red-eyed Vireo, 
>Swainson’s Thrush, & warblers of 7 or 8 species in high numbers:  Ovenbird, 
>Common Yellowthroat, Yellow, N. Parula, Magnolia, Blackpoll, Black-and-white, 
>& Yellow-rumped [Myrtle form], the latter 2 warbler spp. esp. of female sex; & 
>Scarlet Tanager [esp. females], but also some 2-dozen plus other migrant 
>species rather strongly represented, including uncommonly-seen (in these 
>concentrations in these locations) no’s. of warblers such as Tennessee, 
>Bay-breasted, Cape May, & Mourning all being notable, as well as many others, 
>some of the earlier-migrating species included in the mix.  

In northern Manhattan all this seemed to be only a little reduced - observers 
in locations in northern Manhattan such as Inwood Hill Park, & other adjacent 
areas, also recorded some very good numbers & variety for some days in a row in 
this same period of five days.

One of the multiple mini-hot-spots in Central Park was near the West 85th St. 
(Spector playground etc.) area & some points east - with a few Prairies, a 
singular & extra-late Palm [of the more-“eastern”, or hypochrysea, 
subspecies-form], a superb female Cerulean & numbers of additional warbler 
species in 4 days, Wed.-Sat. that reached to 27+ species in an approx. 
4-city-block-long, 1/2-mile wide swath.

Just in sight [or nearly so] of that one Spector playground, 500+ warblers 
alone were found, as well as scores & scores of vireos, thrushes, & additional 
migrant birds. We can tip a hat to a number of folks, one of them surely 
Matthew Rymkiewicz who was (week-day) happy to point out -in inimicable ways- 
that Bay-breasted, & Cape May, & Tennessee Warblers are well worth a 2nd, 
third, or more looks by go-round by all migration-watchers.

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Manhattan, N.Y. City - including parks from The Battery (south tip of 
Manhattan) to Inwood Hill (at almost the n. end of Manhattan) & many in-between 
parks & green-spaces (such as Central Park, & etc.):

Red-throated Loon (Inwood, northern Manhattan & elsewhere)
Common Loon (modest number of rather late-moving fly-overs)
Double-crested Cormorant (common fly-over & visiting many waters)
Great Blue Heron (fly-overs, & possibly non-breeders still in the area)
Great Egret (common fly-over esp. as seen from Central Park’s north end in 
east-west / west-east flights)
Snowy Egret (slightly less-common fly-overs following same feeding-roosting 
flight path as preceding; these are birds going from w. LI Sound areas to & 
from the N.J. Meadowlands each day during the months of May into Aug.-Sept. - 
these are also noted from locations on the Hudson river & the East River edges 
of Manhattan, etc.)
Little Blue Heron (1, fly-by past the Meer on Tuesday - uncommon for NY County 
but not really rare as a fly-by)
Green Heron (nesting, & a few also still on the move)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (common visitors in Central Park, none of which nest 
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (previously-scarce visitor in Central Park; 1 ‘long’ 
Glossy Ibis (several fly-bys seen from n. end of Central Park, Tues. & Wed. 
a.m. - high, & moving east to west)
Turkey Vulture (modest numbers seen from various points in Manhattan)
Canada Goose (scattered, & some have nested, as usual)
Brant (few remained, but still some in Manhattan waters into Sat. 5/19)
Wood Duck (2, Central Park)
Gadwall (small no’s. on both rivers & in Central Park for Tues.-Wed., rather 
less-common for Inwood Hill area)
American Black Duck (few stragglers, on each river of Manhattan)
Mallard (common, nesting etc.)
Ruddy Duck (straggler on the C.P. reservoir to at least Friday/18th)
Osprey (multiple fly-bys, not clear how many individuals involved, but likely 
more than a single ultra-active bird)
Bald Eagle (fly-over on Tues., from Hudson River near 122 Street)
Cooper's Hawk (presumed very late migrant, 1st-spring plumage, Tuesday)
Red-tailed Hawk (common Manhattan nesting resident)
Wild Turkey (Manhattan; location known to some, undisclosed for good of the 
American Coot (a possibly-unhealthy bird at C.P. Reservoir to at least Friday 
Solitary Sandpiper (still moving thru at mid-week, & not noted as of Saturday 
Spotted Sandpiper (in numbers on some days, & present to Saturday 5/19)
Least Sandpiper (multiples moving past mid-week, fewer noted by Friday 5/18)
Laughing Gull (1, last Tuesday)
Ring-billed Gull (uncommon & lowered no’s. in past week)
[American] Herring Gull (not as many seen in Central but still common & regular)
Great Black-backed Gull (in numbers any day of past week)
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
American Kestrel (not-scarce Manhattan breeding-resident)
Peregrine Falcon (uncommon but regularly seen resident & breeder; some are also 
nesting in NJ’s Palisades on cliff edges)
Monk Parakeet (one report last week was not noted again, apparently; ongoing 
colonies exist not at all far from Manhattan)
Black-billed Cuckoo (a few into Sat. but by then seemed mostly moved-on)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (more than preceding species by latter half of last week, 
still present into Sat. 5/19)
Common Nighthawk (multiple sightings of multiple birds to end of last week; 
some seen roosting as well as in dawn/dusk flight)
Chimney Swift (extremely common this past week; high counts of 100+ were made 
by multiple obs. in multiple locations)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (fairly common in migratory movement on some days, 
also a few seen feeding on any given days)
Red-headed Woodpecker (prob. a “new” passage migrant, seen Tues. a.m. only in 
north end of Central Park, & not re-located)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (common, nests)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (several very late individuals, esp. as seen in 
multiple small mid- & down-town Manhattan parks, thru Sat. 5/19)
Downy Woodpecker (common, nests)
Hairy Woodpecker (very scarce nester in Manhattan nowadays)
Yellow-shafted Flicker (uncommon nester, also a few v. late stragglers)
Olive-sided Flycatcher (daily sightings, prob. up to 8 individuals in as many 
locations in Manhattan, over the past week = very good no’s.)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (common now, & an uncommonly-noted nester in several of 
Manhattan’s largest parks)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (multiple sightings of calling birds, a few also seen 
singing which is much less-seen in migrants in Central Park)
Acadian Flycatcher (multiple sightings of calling & some singing birds, this 
species is a potential nester any borough / county in N.Y. City)
Alder Flycatcher (very scarcely identified to species in Manhattan; a few 
calling & even singing birds this past week, including video-recorded)
Willow Flycatcher (more commonly identified by voice, than the preceding 
Empidonax-genus flycatcher; this breeds in N.Y. City, & preceding sp. does NOT)
Least Flycatcher (common, & often heard calling or singing)
Eastern Phoebe (very few remained; a scarce nester on Manhattan island)
Great Crested Flycatcher (common & a regular-but-uncommon nester in several 
Manhattan parks)
Eastern Kingbird (common nesting species, some seen on nests now)
White-eyed Vireo (uncommon and a potential rare nester in Manhattan)
Blue-headed Vireo (very few by end of last week - some stragglers still into 
Sat. 5/19, which is late for this sp. here)
Yellow-throated Vireo (few remained to Sat. 5/19, a very scarce nesting species 
in Manhattan; has nested in C.P. in modern era)
Warbling Vireo (common, nests in many locations & also some straggling migrants 
or later-breeders going thru)
Philadelphia Vireo (scarce in spring migration, several well-seen & a few heard 
as well, to at least Thurs. 5/17)
Red-eyed Vireo (common, & some nest in various Manhattan locations)
Blue Jay (common, nests)
American Crow (varyingly common to scarce, nests)
Common Raven (a few noted in northern Manhattan, poss. from other areas outside 
of Manhattan for the date)
Tree Swallow (common migrant, very scarce nester in Manhattan, and also late or 
non-breeders going thru too)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (as above, has nested, numbers are diminished 
from previous recent decades)
Bank Swallow (uncommonly-noted annual migrant, several daily for more than a 
week at Central Park, hundreds of obs.)
Barn Swallow (extremely common migrant, numbers in the 100’s daily are not at 
all unusual each year for Central; Manhattan, etc.)
Cliff Swallow (uncommonly-noted annual migrant, at least several daily for more 
than a week at Central Park, hundreds of obs. by week’s-end; photos, videos & 
Black-capped Chickadee (few, & nesting)
Tufted Titmouse (rather few, & nesting)
White-breasted Nuthatch (not too scarce, but very quiet when now nesting)
Carolina Wren (relatively few, some nesting)
House Wren (nests, the common summer wren in Manhattan)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (a few almost extraordinarily-late individuals, nests 
within 30 miles or much less from Manhattan)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (a few, seeming all females in past week, not 
unprecedently late yet)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (uncommon nester, some on nests now)
Veery (good numbers into early last week, then rather fewer passing)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (fair numbers, some singing or more calling as well as 
on-sight presumptive ID’s made)
Bicknell's Thrush (one definite, seen singing; likely at least a few others in 
multiple locations, over past week)
Swainson's Thrush (extremely common and still passing in numbers, though fewer 
by end of week, Sat. 5/19)
Hermit Thrush (getting very late now, & needs to be ID’d with care at this late 
date for Manhattan; nests within 30 miles in proper habitat)
Wood Thrush (nests, some on nests now, also some likely stragglers or late/non 
breeders still passing; less-common by Sat. 5/19)
American Robin (common & known as a prolific nester in sometimes unlikely 
settings in all of N.Y. City)
Gray Catbird (common nester, & perhaps still a number of later-moving migrants 
Northern Mockingbird (nests)
Brown Thrasher (scarce nester, locations should NOT be disclosed so as to 
protect breeders from disruptive activities)
European Starling (extraordinarily common in Manhattan)
Cedar Waxwing (common & expected late-migrants, and uncommon-to-scarce nester, 
in various Manhattan locations)
Blue-winged Warbler (few still thru Sat. 5/19)
Tennessee Warbler (modest numbers thru Sat. 5/19, many obs. of several at 
eye-level & even ground-feeding: a rare sight for spring migrants in Manhattan)
Nashville Warbler (modest numbers, & more females by Sat. 5/19)
Northern Parula (common & expected numbers, seen in many smaller parks & 
green-spaces as well as usual larger parks)
Yellow Warbler (good numbers throughout, nests very sparsely in Manhattan)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (good numbers throughout, more females appearing)
Magnolia Warbler (high numbers, as expected for the dates, many locations)
Cape May Warbler (excellent numbers, males still passing as well as many 
females; one of the better passages in some years; thanks in part to 
spruce-budworm in Canada!! as well as lesserly in Maine & elsewhere near the 
Canadian border in the U.S.)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (numbers continue with far more females by end of 
last week)
Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] Warbler (near-normal numbers for the date, w/ many 
females lately)
Black-throated Green Warbler (good numbers continuing)
Blackburnian Warbler (excellent numbers for this species; both sexes still 
being found in many locations)
Yellow-throated Warbler (several, including one taken in for rehab. at a 
Manhattan location; others were less-rep’ted. presumably due to increased 
sightings in 2018)
Pine Warbler (1 photographed last week, a rather unusual late date in 
Manhattan; nests in N.Y. City but most are moved on well-beyond for breeding 
locations by now)
Prairie Warbler (modest numbers, esp. of females, & into Sat. 5/19)
Palm Warbler (very late individual, Sat. 5/19, the “eastern” form; at the 
hatchings & very birdy area of w. side of Central Park, several obs.)
Bay-breasted Warbler (near-common this past week+, with still multiple males & 
also females in many locations; counts of 12+ in a day are not uncommon this 
Blackpoll Warbler (fairly common to common, more & more females & in all sorts 
of locations in past week, to Sat. 5/19)
Cerulean Warbler (female in the area where more birders were working the flocks 
in Central; this is how & why birders w/skills find such fairly-scarce birds on 
Black-and-white Warbler (still passing in numbers, some of these are poss. 
more-northern breeders, & also some non-breeders may be moving; this sp. 
regularly shows up in Central Park after the migration is finished, in 
June-July, yet has not been found to nest there)
American Redstart (common & has nested in Manhattan, but very scarcely as far 
as is documented)
Prothonotary Warbler (present to at least mid-week in several locations, & seen 
in Madison Square Park by a few obs.; apparently not found by Sat. 5/19 
Worm-eating Warbler (uncommon & now a bit late; this species nests very near to 
N.Y. City, also known to have increased it’s breeding range northeastward a bit)
Ovenbird (common to very common, multiples in many small or even miniscule 
patches of greenery in Manhattan yet still mostly in well-wooded parts of 
larger parks)
Northern Waterthrush (fairly common & seen regularly away from water in 
Louisiana Waterthrush (a few reports for the past week, but photos would be 
ideal to document this species in Manhattan, though has occurred even to very 
late May)
Kentucky Warbler (several, reports included Central & other parks, some by very 
experienced obs., generally reported as non-singing & very skulking; to Thurs. 
Mourning Warbler (excellent movements after the initial few that few saw on May 
6th in Central Park, dozen+ in past week in as many locations, poss. 8+ in a 
day in Central Park alone; photos from multiple smaller parks, most were males; 
also heard singing in any number of locations - this is NOT a rare bird in N.Y. 
City, simply a generally less-observed species that passes many years with 
rather little notice, even by some active observers; knowing its song is hugely 
helpful as with most song birds, or calls for non-songbirds!)
Common Yellowthroat (common, nests with difficulty in Manhattan, many of each 
sex in all sorts of urban locations on passage in this past week)
Hooded Warbler (male-plumaged, singing, at west side of Central Park, w. multi. 
obs. into late-day Sat. 5/19, and various others many days in multiple 
Wilson's Warbler (many, slightly more this spring than in some years, in 
multiple locations as well, including some smaller parks)
Canada Warbler (near-common this past week, incl, many in smaller parks on some 
Summer Tanager (ongoing to Sat. 5/19 in Central Park, multiple obs. of a 
continuing female bird)
Scarlet Tanager (still present including some males still in small parks in 
lower Manhattan & etc.)
Eastern Towhee (scarce now, a rare nester in Central Park, which should be 
totally unmolested!)
Chipping Sparrow (uncommon nester in Manhattan including in Central Park where 
now nesting)
Field Sparrow (few still passing thru Sat. 5/19)
Savannah Sparrow (modest no’s. into Sat. 5/19, in Manhattan locations incl. 
some smaller parks)
Song Sparrow (nests, fairly common in some areas of Manhattan)
Lincoln's Sparrow (still passing thru, to Sat. 5/19, in reduced no’s. from past 
Swamp Sparrow (few, getting late now, but regular in late May, & even found 
sparsely into June)
White-throated Sparrow (few, but has summered in busy Central Park, with zero 
evidence of any breeding even attempted there)
White-crowned Sparrow (few now, still present in a few locations to Sat. 5/19)
Northern Cardinal (common resident)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (many thru last week, a bit less so by Friday, 5/18)
Blue Grosbeak (modest no’s. - a great spring for this species in Manhattan, up 
to 6 definitely different individuals, & poss. more!)
Indigo Bunting (common, many females towards the end of last week as well as 
males; has nested v. sparingly in Manhattan in modern era)
Bobolink (1 female as found by Janet Wooten, Sat. 5/19 is getting v. slightly 
late; an annual but often-missed passage migrant in Central Park & rest of 
Red-winged Blackbird (nests & some can be rather late-moving as well, but 
mostly has moved-on if not nesting in Manhattan)
Common Grackle (nests & some can be rather late-moving as well, but mostly has 
moved-on if not nesting in Manhattan; also lilely some non-breeders will 
Brown-headed Cowbird (far more common in spring than many obs. will take note 
of; travels on with or just ahead of the migrants whose nests it solely 
Orchard Oriole (uncommon nester in Manhattan, a few nests already done & 
occupied; this is a little more regularly-seen outside Central Park as a 
breeding species)
Baltimore Oriole (common & widespread nester; modest no’s. also may be 
“helpers” or simply non-breeders each summer here)
House Finch (common resident, & poss.-sparse passage migrant)
American Goldfinch (common, & widely overlooked after about May 1st - why? - 
migrant warblers, etc., that’s why… also has nested in Manhattan, rather 
House Sparrow (ubiquitous & pestilential usurper of native birds at nesting 
times, and in general, an overly well-fed pest bird of NYC)

Thanks to all the quiet, patient, and caring birders who found so many birds of 
the past week[s], in a ‘classic’ & memorable period of spring migration 

"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty 
of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold  
(1887–1948), U.S. wildlife biologist, conservationist, professor, author, best 
known for his book "A Sand County Almanac" (1949), which has sold more than two 
million copies.
quiet birding (birds provide soundscapes) to all,

Tom Fiore

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