The Queens County Christmas Bird Count was held yesterday in suboptimal
conditions but our hale and hearty birders performed admirably anyway, with
112 species recorded on count day.

Our big misses were Killdeer, Pied-billed Grebe, Wilson's Snipe, Fish Crow,
Eastern Towhee, and Northern Gannet.

Good finds included the (reported to this listserv already) Pink-footed
Goose in Lake Success (first for the count on count day), an Eastern Phoebe
in Greentree, an Iceland Gull at Alley Pond Environmental Center, two Palm
Warblers in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, and a Northern Saw-whet Owl in
Charles Memorial Park. Also, Bald Eagles have returned to Willow Lake

Seven Orange-crowned Warblers is a new count high but most species numbers
were depressed due to the very rough weather.

On a more somber note the Rockaways party stumbled across a body in
Bayswater Point State Park in far southeastern Queens, a most unwelcome
first for the count.

Thanks to everyone who participated, especially the new participants,
several of whom were doing their first-ever Christmas Bird Counts, and the
sector leaders, who soldiered on, in some cases with teams much-reduced by
illness. And thanks to Nancy Tognan, Arie Gilbert, and Ian Resnick, who all
did important work in making sure the compilation dinner ran smoothly.

Good Birding,
Corey Finger

P.S. Next year's count will be on Sunday, 15 December. Mark your calendars!


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