Relevant to the COMMON MURRE not being seen at Shinnecock Inlet, Joe
Girgente today found and photographed a deceased COMMON MURRE to the west
of the inlet at Triton Beach and reported it on the Queens and Long Island

David Barrett
@BirdQueens on Twitter

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 7:25 PM Steve Walter <> wrote:

> The *Thick-billed Murre* at Shinnecock Inlet was in sight from about 8:00
> to 9:30 this morning and then again briefly just after 1:30. At least one
> *Razorbill* was  in the inlet in the morning, providing closer looks than
> the Murre. To my knowledge, the Common Murre was not seen. 2 or 3 *Red-necked
> Grebes* were reported at the mouth of the inlet and further out. A bit
> odd was a Ruddy Duck with Common Eiders (where the inlet meets the bay).
> The *American White Pelican* was present for a while in Mecox Bay’s
> Hayground Cove, before flying out around 11:20. I t was best viewed when
> someone came out to feed the swans. It was the only big white bird that
> stayed put. Without such intervention, it can easily be hidden by the many
> swans, especially if sleeping with head and bill tucked in.
> With the prospects of better Alcid pictures not looking good as the
> afternoon progressed (none in sight and dimming sun), I decided to do the
> wild goose chase thing. None were visible as I arrived at Doctor’s Path
> (Riverhead). I went over to Northville Turnpike (Rt. 105), where I found a
> small flock (by standards of that area) in the field to the east. The 
> *Barnacle
> Goose* was a quick find. Within a few minutes, flock after flock and
> overall huge numbers of geese began coming in from a southwest direction,
> and landing in the large field on the west side of 105. A few minutes after
> that, small groups from the east side of 105 (and eventually all of them)
> joined the larger group. I was hoping to photograph the Barnacle flying by.
> I photographed one random flock to test the lighting. Never got the
> Barnacle, but looking at the pictures when I got home revealed a *Greater
> White-fronted Goose *(pure dump luck there). Possibly, this is the one I
> saw in the west field and reported to the What’s App a few minutes later.
> Steve Walter
> Bayside, NY
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