The previously reported Townsend's Solitaire was seen several times today
as it fed and roosted in a hedgerow separating two cornfields in the Town
of Copake, Columbia County. Even though the fields are actively cultivated,
the bird is actually on lands marked as Taconic State Park...The location
is on High Valley Road, off Valley View Road, off NY Rt. 22; less than one
mile from the Massachusetts State Line and Bash Bish Falls Massachusetts
State Park - worth checking out while you're in the area.

The solitaire is often quietly roosting between feedings. When it roosts,
it is very difficult to find. It's not much easier to find when it's
feeding either. The best bet is to watch for it to go from one location to
another, as it flies in to hedgerow treetop then drops down to feed.

The other day, the ground was snow covered with a very slippery ice
coating. Today, there were patches of snow and frozen pockets of water in
the  furrows, making walking a bit of a challenge.

There aren't many residences along that road, and the people are friendly.
If you go, just remember to leave enough room on that narrow dirt road for
cars and perhaps the occasional delivery truck to get by.

Surprisingly, there is a very good deli right at the corner of Valley View
Road which was open both times I was there. Sandwiches, hot
coffee/chocolate and snacks, anyone? Let 'em know you're there.

Good Luck and have fun.

Richard Guthrie
New Baltimore


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