Is that Robert Conrad, of Wild Wild West fame? šŸ˜Š


Bob Grover
d +1 (631) 761-7369 | c +1 (516) 318-8536
An Equal Opportunity Employer

<> On Behalf Of Michael Cooper
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 11:24 AM
To: Shaibal Mitra <>
Subject: Re: [nysbirds-l] The tale of "Robert the Right", along with the saga 
of "Robert the Wrong"

ā€œBirding in March is going to hurt anyway, so why not aim high and risk 
glorious disappointmentā€

Or as Conrad might have put it:

ā€œIt was written I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice. ā€œ

Mike Cooper
Ridge, LI NY
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 27, 2019, at 10:41 AM, Shaibal Mitra 
<<>> wrote:
Dear Bob and all,

It might be a small comfort to you to know that all of us reading your note 
have endured this sort of pain. Back on 30 Dec, Pat and I were among the first 
responders for the Downsville Golden-crowned Sparrow, and all of us dipped that 
afternoon. She and I then suffered further torment when work and travel 
prevented us from trying again, even as the birdā€™s early morning routine was 
worked out and exploited by many, many of our friends. Our next opportunity to 
try didnā€™t come until 18 Jan, the morning after we returned from Ecuador. Like 
you, we set the alarm for the middle of the night and drove. We were lucky to 
see it.

But win or lose, Iā€™m convinced that chasing rare birds is a vice. Itā€™s not such 
a bad one that I intend to give it up, but, for me at least, it always feels 
better when I make an effort to atone for my indulgence in bird-chasing. One of 
the forms of penance I impose on myself involves writing the Spring Season 
report for the Hudson-Delaware region (New York State, New Jersey, and 
Delaware), for North American Birds. Reading your note immediately reminded me 
of this ordealā€”and of a possible way to escape (at least temporarily) from the 
Dark Side.

In tracking the dates of last occurrence of over-wintering songbird rarities, I 
have noticed that a large percentage of long-staying Varied Thrushes, Harrisā€™s 
Sparrows, Western Tanagers, Painted Buntings, etc. depart from their feeding 
stations in mid March. In parallel, many first detections of such birds also 
tend to occur in mid March to early April, seemingly much earlier than their 
ā€œnormalā€ migration periods. I interpret these discoveries as representing birds 
that wintered undetected or unreported nearby, but which, once having started 
roaming around, have been encountered by those pious/masochistic souls who 
manage to force themselves to go birding during March. Birding in March is 
going to hurt anyway, so why not aim high and risk glorious disappointment!

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore
Subject: [nysbirds-l] The tale of "Robert the Right", along with the saga of 
"Robert the Wrong"

Date: 03/27/19 02:04:21 AM

From: "robert adamo" <<>>

To: "NY BIRDS" <<>>

"Robert the Right", after seeking the current status of the Golden-Crowned 
Sparrow on this listserve, made the correct decision to pursue the bird on 
Wednesday, 3/20/19, and was rewarded in fortuitous fashion !  "R the R", of 
course, is Robert Lewis, and I congratulate him for his conviction, his effort, 
and his success !

While reading of "R the R,s" good fortune, "Robert the Wrong", decided to reach 
for the "brass ring" and so on the following Sunday, 3/24/19, he headed upstate 
toward the town of Downsville ! Leaving from Riverhead, L.I. at 0330, alone 
(after striking out trying to gather some company for this long trip) "R the W" 
arrived on Depot ~ 0715, finding Lance Verderame at the scene ! We had 
never met before, but were both aware of the other because of our contributions 
to this listserve, as well as leading some NYSYBC field trips. It was then that 
I learned of Lance's being the original finder of the GCSP, and looked at this 
development as a "godsend"...but I was wrong !  Although there was ample bird 
activity, including 2 Bald Eagles, the sparrow was a no-show. I believe Lance 
left at ~ 1030, while I finally left at 1300.

After seeing "R the R's" post re: the GCSP, I contacted John Haas, who provided 
additional info. on the bird, besides giving me info. on 3 good spots to find 
Evening Grosbeak and C.Redpolls. On my way home, I stopped at all of them, 
finding Redpolls at each, and Grosbeaks at none. I made it home by 1940, a long 
day, that while seeing 1 of 2 species not seen earlier this season, I did not 
get the 1 species I have not seen ever !

Bob, aka "R the "W"
P.S...Thanks again, John and Lance

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