There is at least 1 very early a.m. Monday 4/22 report of the Black-necked 
Stilt, as well as 2 American Golden-Plovers being seen at Nickerson Beach in 
Nassau County, NY. See: 
<>  (I’ve not been, just passing the 
report on here. Hoping those seeking will be able to re-find and report this.)

Responding to Bob Lewis’ notes from Queens Co. (NYC) on 4/21 lack of migrants -

Regarding Forest Park & the well-known water-hole there, presumably there is a 
lot (or at least some) water available in other sections of that park lately, 
for birds needing to drink or bathe?  I’ve not been this spring, but it is 
typically at its best when few or almost no other water is available nearby, as 
that brings the birds (when they are in the area, obviously) to that one place 
and not to random puddles, rivuets, & such which may be temporarily formed 
after the heavy rains of recent.  I don’t know just where within Forest Park, 
which is of course a fairly large well-wooded park, the Yellow-throated Warbler 
reported there on 4/19 was. (See: 
<> ) It may be there still, or could 
have moved on. In any event, it seems, from reports, that Queens has not had 
that much of the warbler drop-in as some other places (such as Kings or New 
York counties) in & around N.Y.C. and more particularly, up (or down, in the 
older parlance) the New England Atlantic shore, most of all it seemed in 
easternmost Mass. recently.  But Blue Grosbeaks, for example, are still being 
turned up in adjacent New England states (just this Monday another in 
Connecticut for example.)

It’s been rather striking to see the reports of any number of 
neotropical-wintering species (in particular) that appear to have ‘overshot' 
the local area of NYC to some extent and gone into New England & even (some) on 
to Canada, by now. This may happen with, for example, Yellow Warbler on a 
more-usual basis (with some April arrivals going straight to some breeding 
areas, bypassing areas they do not breed in, or scantily so), but one might 
wonder if more & more of the spring migrants are going as directly as possible 
to breeding areas, when weather allows it.  The weather and related bird 
movements in the east of the past week are seemingly unusual - the find of one 
Black-whiskered Vireo on Martha’s Vineyard was just to underscore the larger 
sample of many migrants that got “sling-shot” up to farther north &/or earlier 
than usual, within the same time-frame / weather events. In any case, hopefully 
Forest Park will be more active soon enough. But if the rains keep coming 
regularly, don’t count on the justly-famous water-hole there to be as 
productive as when the weather has been dry for a while. 

best, and good birding,

Tom Fiore

— — 
Date: April 22, 2019
Subject: Re: [nysbirds-l] Manhattan, NYC 4/21; Forest Park Queens -
Just for the record, I spent yesterday morning in Forest Park, Queens, from 
about 10:30 to 12:30.  It was dead.  Dead, dead, dead.  I stayed in the 
vicinity of the water hole.  Beyond question the worst birding trip I've ever 
had to Forest Park, and I've been going there in the spring since 1981 (with a 
few missed years). 
I did not see or hear a single warbler.  Nada.  Zilch.   There were also very 
few other birders.  One birder said he saw a Prairie Warbler at the water hole. 
Other than Robin and Grackle, there were no migrants. 
Bob Lewis
Sleepy Hollow NY 


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