It just looks like they picked the wrong location. It has happened several
times (recently) with the Tompkins County list.

On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 10:14 AM Jane Ross <> wrote:

> I appreciate these ebird alerts...BUT should we assume that the list from
> Ithaca was from a zoo of some sort?? kelp gull, fluttering shearwater,
> sacred kingfisher, tui, variable oystercatcher..etc.  really in New York
> State??? IF so some of us should be making a bee-line up there, but I doubt
> it...
> *Jane F. Ross, PhD*
> *International Education Consultant*
> *1112 Park Avenue
> <,+NY+10128?entry=gmail&source=g>
> New York, NY 10128
> <,+NY+10128?entry=gmail&source=g>
>  *
> *mobile:  917-992-6708*
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 4, 2020 9:13 AM
> *Subject:* [eBird Alert] New York Rare Bird Alert <daily>
> *** Species Summary:
> Snow Goose (1 Essex)
> Greater White-fronted Goose (1 Westchester)
> Mute Swan (3 Tompkins)
> Blue-winged Teal (1 Nassau)
> Eurasian Wigeon (1 Suffolk)
> Harlequin Duck (2 Niagara, 1 Suffolk)
> Barrow's Goldeneye (1 Jefferson, 1 Suffolk)
> Common Merganser (1 Kings)
> Ruddy Duck (1 Genesee)
> Red-necked Grebe (1 Suffolk)
> Western Grebe (2 Monroe)
> Common Gallinule (3 Nassau)
> Variable Oystercatcher (1 Tompkins)
> Red-breasted Dotterel (1 Tompkins)
> Western Sandpiper (2 Nassau)
> Razorbill (1 Queens)
> Black-legged Kittiwake (2 Niagara)
> Silver Gull (Red-billed) (1 Tompkins)
> Black-headed Gull (1 Nassau, 1 Niagara, 1 Suffolk)
> Iceland Gull (1 Kings)
> Kelp Gull (1 Tompkins)
> Caspian Tern (1 Tompkins)
> White-fronted Tern (1 Tompkins)
> Fluttering Shearwater (1 Tompkins)
> Australasian Gannet (1 Tompkins)
> Little Pied Cormorant (1 Tompkins)
> Pied Cormorant (1 Tompkins)
> Double-crested Cormorant (1 Essex)
> Osprey (1 Ulster)
> Golden Eagle (1 Orange)
> Red-tailed Hawk (abieticola) (1 Orange)
> Rough-legged Hawk (3 Suffolk)
> Eastern Screech-Owl (1 New York)
> Snowy Owl (9 Seneca)
> Short-eared Owl (1 Suffolk)
> Sacred Kingfisher (1 Tompkins)
> Red-headed Woodpecker (1 Erie, 3 New York, 1 Oneida, 2 Queens, 1 Suffolk)
> Willow Flycatcher (1 Suffolk)
> Eastern Phoebe (3 Kings, 2 Suffolk)
> Tui (1 Tompkins)
> Northern Shrike (3 Seneca)
> Common Raven (1 Niagara)
> Tree Swallow (1 Queens)
> Welcome Swallow (1 Tompkins)
> Winter Wren (1 Seneca)
> Common Myna (1 Tompkins)
> Brown Thrasher (2 Kings)
> Varied Thrush (17 Kings, 12 Tioga)
> Song Thrush (1 Tompkins)
> Eurasian Blackbird (1 Tompkins)
> Dunnock (1 Tompkins)
> Common Chaffinch (1 Tompkins)
> European Greenfinch (1 Tompkins)
> European Goldfinch (1 Tompkins)
> Yellowhammer (1 Tompkins)
> Chipping Sparrow (1 Albany, 1 Broome, 1 Chemung, 1 Putnam, 1 Suffolk)
> Field Sparrow (1 Tompkins)
> White-throated Sparrow (2 Franklin)
> Song Sparrow (1 Essex)
> Eastern Towhee (1 Livingston)
> Yellow-breasted Chat (2 Westchester)
> Rusty Blackbird (1 Suffolk)
> Common Grackle (1 Ontario)
> Pine Warbler (1 Nassau, 2 Suffolk)
> Yellow-rumped Warbler (1 Seneca)
> Townsend's Warbler (2 Nassau)
> Painted Bunting (6 Kings, 7 Nassau)
> ---------------------------------------------
> Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> New York Rare Bird Alert.The
> report below shows observations of rare birds in New York.  View or
> unsubscribe to this alert at
> NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated
> Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 15:02 by Stacy Robinson
> - Albee Road, Essex, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 1 Photo
> - Comments: "SNGO appears injured. Distant photo"
> Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:08 by Sean Camillieri
> - Bowman Avenue Pond, Westchester, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing bird in the area. White lateral line, white at the
> base of orange bill."
> Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (3) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 11:50 by Wes Blauvelt
> - 26 Marina Rd
> <>,
> Lansing US-NY (42.5358,-76.5438), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing. Two adults & 1 juv."
> Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (3) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 11:04 by J Gary Kohlenberg
> - Ladoga Park, Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 2 Photos
> - Comments: "*Continuing family group"
> Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (3) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 15:06 by Patrick Marr
> - Myers Point Marina, Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "3 large white swans, 2 with bright orange bills; the other
> was a first winter juvenile. Seen clearly by both members of the party."
> Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 01, 2020 10:15 by Patricia Lindsay
> - Mill Pond Park, Bellmore, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "rare in winter; continuing; small brown duck with distinctive
> large, slightly spatulate, dark bill, pale are on face between bill and
> eye, and absence of creamy rear-flank mark of GWTE; blue-gray upperwing
> coverts visible in flight when she was rousted by a randy AMCO. Ph."
> Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope) (1)
> - Reported Jan 04, 2020 08:23 by Stacy Meyerheinrich
> - Mill Pond, Centerport, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "With American Wigeon.  Red head."
> Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 02, 2020 14:37 by Rachel  Wilson
> - Niagara Falls SP--Goat Island, Niagara, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Adult male diving 50 yards upriver from its roosting island."
> Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 12:20 by Mike Morgante
> - Niagara Falls SP--Three Sisters Islands, Niagara, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "adult male in the 'usual spot' drifting downstream in the
> rapids; seen well during brief scope view. Blue duck with white patterns on
> face, some rufous on flanks"
> Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) (3) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:25 by John Sepenoski
> - Orient Point, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing family group"
> Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 16:11 by Patricia Aitken
> - Crab Meadow Beach, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Drake"
> Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 10:20 by Richard  Brouse
> - grass point state park town of orleans, Jefferson, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "with large raft of common Goldeneyes Forward leanng head and
> white crescent ."
> Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (2) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 09:43 by Tom Coughlan
> - Fresh Creek Park, Kings, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Two females, large, darker colored head the red breasted and
> contrasting white on chest and throat. Seen from the southern most lookout"
> Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 10:01 by Celeste Morien
> - Batavia Wastewater Treatment Plant, Genesee, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Just one male Ruddy Duck with the Redheads."
> Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 07:40 by Aidan Perkins
> - Robert Moses SP, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Flyby close, white wing patches and long thin gray neck and
> head."
> Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 02, 2020 16:12 by Brian Rohrs
> - Ontario Beach and Charlotte Pier, Monroe, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 1 Photo
> - Comments: "Continuing bird."
> Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Dec 31, 2019 09:27 by Ivy Bergin
> - Ontario Beach and Charlotte Pier, Monroe, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Seen well with other birders"
> Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 11:45 by Ken Thompson
> - Mill Pond Park, Bellmore, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Previously reported"
> Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 11:30 by Gerry Farley
> - Mill Pond Park, Bellmore, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing for weeks. Dark gray with horizontal white side
> stripe. Seen from east side of pond first on a muddy island with gulls then
> again later in my walk close to the muddy east pond bank. Walking with long
> yellow legs through vegetation ."
> Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 01, 2020 10:15 by Patricia Lindsay
> - Mill Pond Park, Bellmore, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "scarce to rare migrant on LI, rare in winter; continuing mud
> hen with dark bill, chestnut-brown back, grayish breast, white flank stripe
> and undertail, and olive legs; ph."
> Variable Oystercatcher (Haematopus unicolor) (2)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Pair"
> Red-breasted Dotterel (Charadrius obscurus) (3)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Pair with large chick"
> Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:45 by Mary Beth Billerman
> - Jones Beach SP--Coast Guard Station, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Rare but not entirely unexpected in this context. Sitting on
> spit with small group of Dunlin. Very clearly smaller (roughly half the
> size of the Dunlin, give or take). Smaller, shorter bill, slight droop with
> fine tip, dark legs. Color paler gray/brown than Dunlin, but not as
> white/pale as Sanderling. The flock took flight before I could get photos,
> flushed by a NOHA. May have extremely poor photos in flight that at least
> show its a peep. Separable from LESA by dark legs and paler coloration.
> Difficult to separate from SESA, but I would assume the bill would appear
> heavier on a SESA, plus, WESA is far more expected in this context than
> SESA."
> Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:45 by Shawn Billerman
> - Jones Beach SP--Coast Guard Station, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Rare but not entirely unexpected in this context. Sitting on
> spit with small group of Dunlin. Very clearly smaller (roughly half the
> size of the Dunlin, give or take). Smaller, shorter bill, slight droop with
> fine tip, dark legs. Color paler gray/brown than Dunlin, but not as
> white/pale as Sanderling. The flock took flight before I could get photos,
> flushed by a NOHA. May have extremely poor photos in flight that at least
> show its a peep. Separable from LESA by dark legs and paler coloration.
> Difficult to separate from SESA, but I would assume the bill would appear
> heavier on a SESA, plus, WESA is far more expected in this context than
> SESA."
> Razorbill (Alca torda) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 11:41 by Nathaniel Howard
> - Breezy Point Tip, Queens, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Characteristic diving and black/white plumage around head."
> Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) (2) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:11 by Mike Morgante
> - Whirlpool SP, Niagara, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Juveniles sitting on water with group of Bonapartes Gulls.
> Not sitting together but seen in same group the entire time. Larger than
> adjacent Bonies. Black neck collar and larger smudge on side of head than
> Bonies. Larger bill (all black) than Bonies."
> Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 02, 2020 13:08 by Rachel  Wilson
> - Whirlpool SP, Niagara, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 3 Photos
> - Comments: "Juvenile showing bold black “M” on back and black bar on back
> of neck. Photos"
> Silver Gull (Red-billed) (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae scopulinus) (45)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Flock"
> Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Dec 29, 2019 10:10 by bill belford
> - Jones Beach SP--West End, Nassau, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 1 Photo
> - Comments: "Small Gull with reddish bill.Dark edge on underwing."
> Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:40 by Patricia Aitken
> - Setauket Harbor, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing"
> Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 02, 2020 13:08 by Rachel  Wilson
> - Whirlpool SP, Niagara, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 5 Photos
> - Comments: "First seen landing with Bonaparte’s and saw black on
> underwingtips. On water was noticing lighter mantles and somewhat larger
> than Bonaparte’s. Photos"
> Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 15:45 by Phil Ribolow
> - Brooklyn Bridge Park, Kings, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Juvenile, uniform whitish coloring.  Pier 1 pilings at dusk."
> Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) (2)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Sbbg"
> Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Single"
> White-fronted Tern (Sterna striata) (15)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Offshore"
> Fluttering Shearwater (Puffinus gavia) (4)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Offshore"
> Australasian Gannet (Morus serrator) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Offshore"
> Little Pied Cormorant (Microcarbo melanoleucos) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Single"
> Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax varius) (3)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:15 by Mike Bell
> - 40 Stewart Park, Ithaca, New York, US
> <,+Ithaca,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.46, -76.504), Tompkins, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Offshore"
> Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) (4)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:58 by Thom McClenahan
> - Adirondack Park, Westport US-NY (44.1833,-73.4319), Essex, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "All on dock with RBGU."
> Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 12:00 by Cynthia King
> - Kingston Point, Ulster, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Vocalizing loudly by a light house and nesting area"
> Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) (1)
> - Reported Jan 01, 2020 13:15 by Matthew Zeitler
> - Storm King Parking Area -9W, Orange, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing bird in its over-wintering spot, on its usual
> perch. Documentary photos available."
> Red-tailed Hawk (abieticola) (Buteo jamaicensis abieticola) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 11:45 by Linda Scrima
> - Black Dirt 5MR, Orange, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 1 Photo
> - Comments: "One of the few that I have recently seen. This RTHA has a
> dark head and a dark nape.  Also: dark throat, rufous throat "dribbles" and
> a dark belly band that pinches in the middle.  It also has a dark
> sub-terminal band."
> Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 12:15 by Ken Feustel
> - Cedar Beach (includes Cedar Beach, Cedar Overlook, and, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Uncommon and somewhat irruptive.  Occurrence is typically
> dependent upon severity of winter weather further north. Likely the same
> individual that has been observed prior to the Captree CBC on 12/14/19.
> Large raptor. White at base of tail with dark subterminal band, dark
> patches at the wrist.  Observed hovering in dunes."
> Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 12:15 by Suzy Feustel
> - Cedar Beach (includes Cedar Beach, Cedar Overlook, and, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Uncommon and somewhat irruptive.  Occurrence is typically
> dependent upon severity of winter weather further north. Likely the same
> individual that has been observed prior to the Captree CBC on 12/14/19.
> Large raptor. White at base of tail with dark subterminal band, dark
> patches at the wrist.  Observed hovering in dunes."
> Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 10:30 by Vincent Glasser
> - Cedar Beach Marina, Suffolk, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 2 Photos
> - Comments: "Continuing (one of two).  Medium-large sized buteo with dark
> plumage on back on belly, "dirty" reddish chest and head.  Most of
> underwing was white with some orange blush in wing lining area, black wing
> tips and black patches on wrists.  Also, white tail feathers on underside
> with black terminal band.
> I kept a respectable distance away from the bird, but it flew off anyway."
> Eastern Screech-Owl (Megascops asio) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 01, 2020 17:41 by David Barrett
> - Inwood Hill Park, New York, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Saw and heard at least one of these resident owls near the
> entrance to the forest by Shorakkopoch Rock."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 09:01 by Doug Daniels
> - 3971
> <,+Seneca+Falls+US-NY?entry=gmail&source=g>
> –3999 Seybolt Rd, Seneca Falls US-NY
> <,+Seneca+Falls+US-NY?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.8298,-76.7697), Seneca, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Same exact location as my observation in late 2019.  Many
> observation of thesis SNOW on gaswell ."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:52 by Michael Gullo
> - 4023 Seybolt Road, Seneca Falls, New York, US
> <,+Seneca+Falls,+New+York,+US?entry=gmail&source=g>
> (42.83, -76.77), Seneca, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 1 Photo
> - Comments: "Continuing bird on the gas well."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (2) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 02, 2020 11:45 by Michele Morningstar
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Media: 5 Photos
> - Comments: "stationary barred bird on the grass betw the landing strip
> and tarmac, was not phased even with 2 diff planes doing touch-n-go
> practice. The other bird was within the fencing on the east side of the
> airport radio tower and do move around but within the confines of the tower
> sencing."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (1)
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 13:45 by Fred Leff
> - Finger Lakes Regional Airport, Seneca, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Probably a continuing bird.  Sitting near airport lights on
> the ground, just North - East of the terminal.  It’s back was towards me
> and it was barred."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (2)
> - Reported Jan 04, 2020 07:38 by Chris Wood
> - Finger Lakes Regional Airport (0G7), Seneca, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "**Wintering here. One bird on the D runway marker. Another
> west of airport in field."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (1)
> - Reported Jan 04, 2020 08:39 by Scott Sutcliffe
> - Seybolt Rd. at Reese Rd., Fayette, Seneca, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "On pump station"
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 15:04 by Ann Mitchell
> - Seybolt Rd. at Reese Rd., Fayette, Seneca, New York
> - Map:
> - Checklist:
> - Comments: "Continuing. Sitting on the gas well."
> Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) (1) CONFIRMED
> - Reported Jan 03, 2020 14:52 by Patricia Martin
> - Seybolt Rd. at Reese Rd., Fayette, Seneca, New York
> - Map: https://eur0
> <;data=02%7C01%7C%7Ca1359b69e74c4310169608d791208e02%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637137441343717521&amp;sdata=kpHpvwKDC8r3jQgYOnSrY4idAO%2BwmglQg3coAM%2FYF5I%3D&amp;reserved=0>
José R. Ramírez-Garofalo
Biology Department
The City University of New York/College of Staten Island


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