The Queens County Bird Club will be meeting at 8:00 pm this Wednesday, January 
15, 2020.  Free admission.   Refreshments will be served starting 7:30pm.  
Please arrive prior to the meeting start of 8pm because we cannot leave the 
door to this building open - you need to ring the entry bell and someone has to 
let you in.

QCBC is meeting at a new location, which will be the Alley Pond Environmental 
Center’s “temporary” home for the next two years:  224-65 76th Ave, Oakland 
Gardens, NY 11364.  This is in the Alley Pond Park parking lot, north of 76th 
Ave, east of Springfield Blvd. 
Our presentation topic is  “The Birds of the Brazilian Northeast” by Paulo 
     Brazil is larger in area than the lower 48 states of the U.S.   But it has 
only one single endemic ecoregion: the Caatinga, which is located in the 
northeast part of the country.  In eons past, it was home of many types of 
dinosaurs;  now, it is home of the rarest of the rare among Brazilian birds, 
such the Araripe Manakin, Lear´s Macaw, Scarlet-throated Tanager, Caatinga 
Antwren, White-browed Guan , Gray-bellied  and Caatinga Parakeet and much more… 
 including birds of the Atlantic Forest, such the Seven-colored Tanager and 
White-winged Cotinga . (At the Brazilian Northeast, the Atlantic Forest also 
has plants of the Amazon Forest, since it is believed both forests were 
connected, in the past.)
     Paulo Boute will be sharing his experience in guiding avid birders through 
this incredible area over the past 30 years, including time when Spix's Macaws 
were still living in the wild!  (Hoping for its return – more details during 
the lecture.)

 Hope to see you Wednesday!

Nancy Tognan <> 
Vice President, Queens County Bird Club 

 See <> for more 
information on trips, speakers, and other events.

See our 'Birding Maps & Locations' page for directions to and info about many 
local birding hotspots

* QCBC is a tax exempt, charitable organization {501c3}.  *

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