As of Saturday, May 2nd, Manhattan island (which is part of New York County, in 
N.Y. City) alone had at least 2-dozen warbler species on the day with 
highlights of Cerulean, Cape May, multiple Blackburnian, several Hooded, & 
Worm-eating Warblers, and all of the early-arriving warbler species, & more;  
other arrivals have included Least Flycatcher along with the 3 previously-seen 
species of flycatchers, and many other migrants. All 5 of the 
typical-for-spring migration vireo species of the east have been noted (the one 
that’s rarer here, Philly, has not).

A RED-HEADED WOODPECKER was still present early in the day, and also 
photographed in its ‘usual’ location in Central Park, but it is somewhat likely 
to be moving on any day soon. A Grasshopper Sparrow that had also graced 
Central Park for an unusual number of days has probably moved on.

On Friday May 1st, there were at least 2 1st-spring male Blue Grosbeaks in 2 
parks in Manhattan, one at Fort Tryon, the other in the n. end of Central Park, 
both with multiple observers & photographers. A female Long-tailed Duck made a 
surprise visit to the Central Park reservoir again on May 1, a very late date 
for an already-unusual location for the species in this county.

Much much more to be reported in a few days from N.Y. County.  Thanks to those 
who are observing safe practices by spatial-distancing, use of face-coverings, 
& plain commonsense in a city where the pandemic is still very much in our 
midst. It can be worthwhile birding in parks & greenspaces which may be a bit 
less-utilized, for those able to do so.

good and socially-responsible birding,

Tom Fiore


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