N.Y. County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan & Randall’s Island -

The Greater White-fronted Goose (of the Greenland-breeding form) has continued 
at Central Park, again favoring the Lake (both Sun. & Monday), mostly near the 
west side near approx. W. 76th-77th Streets and fairly often seems to be 
sleeping - & it’s been among hundreds of Canada Geese as previously. Photo’d on 
both days there.

A small flock of Common Redpolls was present at Randall’s Island at the Little 
Hell Gate salt marsh area, Monday, 1/25.  An adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 
has continued in that same area, mostly at the n. edges & sometimes rather 
skulking, thru 1/25.  On the same day, I also found & photographed an immature 
Black-crowned Night-Heron, at the Hudson River, near W. 69th St.

An Iceland Gull was present around Randall’s Island northern shore, at the 
Bronx Kill from sunrise onward on Sunday, 1/24, and that individual may 
possibly be lingering at Randall’s. Of local-interest only, a pair of Mute 
Swans has been around that area since at least Sunday, on into Monday also.

Merlins have been noted at several N.Y. County locations recently. A Common 
Loon was continuing at the Central Park reservoir, and there have been a few 
sightings (again) of Iceland Gull there as well.   We continue to have Bald 
Eagles showing in various locations, with the northern parts of Manhattan being 
most-regular for sightings of that species. A few Red-shouldered Hawks also 
were lingering in Manhattan and might continue to all winter. No update to Carl 
Schurz Park birds, but 2 of the specials that’ve been there may persist.

There is a chance that snow will concentrate some species in particular areas, 
such as land-birds at or near feeding areas as well as sheltered patches. Of 
course, raptors may also be found at some of the same locations.

good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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