The Tundra Bean Goose was searched for by many hopefuls today. So far it has 
not been seen. But (to the disappointment to some - imagine that) a Pink 
-footed Goose was found instead. There is no doubt that these are two separate 
birds, not a case of mistaken identification. Locations: north end of Saratoga 
Lake and Wright’s Loop, Near Saratoga Battlefield National Historic Site. 

Rich Guthrie 
The Greene County 
New York 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:06 AM, Tom Fiore <> wrote:
> Great to hear of the Bean Goose found in Saratoga County, NY; hope that 
> further details will be posted (in part) to this list, along with any updates.
> ......
> N.Y. County (in N.Y. City) including Manhattan and Randall’s Island
> Saturday & Sunday, March 13 & 14 -
> The Carl Schurz Park (Manhattan) Western Tanager (East End Ave., east into 
> the park) continues & is again regular at feeder arrays, although may 
> sometimes be found apart from those.  Feeders are just inside the park, south 
> of E. 86th St., & near the n.w. corner of the park’s Catbird playground.
> The Chelsea-neighborhood (W. 22nd-23rd Streets, mainly east of Tenth Ave.) W. 
> Tanager may well be continuing also, in that area where it had been, for now.
> Lincoln’s Sparrow singletons were continuing on at both Bryant Park & in 
> Central Park, at the latter by the compost area. American Woodcock also 
> continued in both parks, and elsewhere.
> Sparrows of some (expected) species were showing increases, if still somewhat 
> modest: Song, [Red] Fox, Swamp all up a bit (more) in numbers county-wide by 
> Saturday, and Slate-colored Juncos by more than a bit.  American Robins have 
> also been increasing, and there was a sighting of a male Eastern Bluebird (L. 
> Slote) in Central Park’s Ramble on the 12th, a day when others of the species 
> were showing within the city. 
> A few recently arrived Golden-crowned Kinglets were in disparate locations. 
> Most observers have by now been seeing an increase of the blackbird spp. 
> which are expected before the end of winter: Red-winged Blackbirds, Common 
> Grackles & lower no’s. of Brown-headed Cowbirds. Those latter 3 spp. have 
> also been turning up well north of N.Y. City of late as well. 
> Small no’s. of vultures have been continuing to pass through, and this has 
> included multiple sightings of Black Vulture, most often singly, occasionally 
> more & so far just small no’s. of Turkey Vulture. Other diurnally migrating 
> species have included Bald Eagle, N. Harrier, both of the smaller accipiters, 
> & Merlin, with continuing near-abundance of Red-tailed Hawks around the 
> county. Also fairly regular have been Common Raven, with both American & Fish 
> Crows still moving about and some likely setting up in nesting territories, 
> if not yet established.
> Drake Lesser Scaup was noted at Sherman Creek area of the Harlem River on 
> Friday, 3/12; other waterfowl may be anticipated to pass thru (and overhead) 
> or stop in to visit in the next few weeks.
> Good birding to all,
> Tom Fiore
> manhattan
> --
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