The next North Shore Audubon Society (NSAS) general meeting will be held via 
Zoom on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, at 7pm.

Our presentation will be “Attracting Birds to Your Yard through Bird Feeding 
Mastery” by Christine and Andy Burke.  Free admission.  
All are invited - you do not need to be a NSAS member to attend.
>From tiny hummingbirds, chickadees, nuthatches and titmice to heftier 
>cardinals, orioles and woodpeckers, we all have the chance to experience the 
>joy of feeding birds and watching their delightful antics wherever we live. 
>How do we attract these birds? What are the best feeders to set up? The best 
>food to use? How can we deter other hungry critters that seem determined to 
>eat us out of house and home? WBU co-owner Christine Burke will guide us 
>through all you need to know in order to create a backyard refuge for birds.
Christine Burke holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Wisconsin and 
a Master’s Degree from Brooklyn Polytech – NYU, both in Chemistry. She has 
spent most of her life working on green and natural products in the consumer 
goods sector. 
In recent years, Christine has discovered her interest in birding. She has 
spent the last several years learning about and sharing her passion for our 
backyard birds. Christine, along with her husband Andy, are the owners of Wild 
Birds Unlimited of Syosset where she regularly makes presentations and chats 
with people about our backyard birds and about Back Yard Bird Feeding.
Pre-registration is required for this Zoom meeting. 
 After registering, you will receive a link to join the meeting.
For more information on NSAS programs and weekly walks, see <>  

Hope to see you on Zoom!

Nancy Tognan
Publicity volunteer, North Shore Audubon Society <> <>

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