Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Wednesday, April 7th:

The female Western Tanager continued at Carl Schurz Park, birders from Buffalo 
NY came by to view it, & the tanager showed just as they arrived at the feeder 
area south of E. 86th, n.w. of the Catbird playground. However, the bird did 
not linger long at that site, and about 20 minutes later, I saw & photo’d. it 
by Gracie mansion’s s. side, in the north edge of the park; there, the tanager 
showed for only a minute or so, then dropped behind the solid fence in the 
mansion’s grounds, not to be seen again in the short time I stayed. Also seen 
quite briefly, higher in trees on the s. side of the mansion (looking up & in 
from the n. lawn of the park) was the long-staying Orange-crowned Warbler, 
which also was reported a bit farther south & closer to the river-walk; a few 
other birds noted in Carl Schurz Park were a few Y.-s. Flickers & Ruby-crowned 
Kinglet, along with more of the regulars there.

At Central Park, an E. Meadowlark continued, moving around a bit in the n. end 
of the park, from near the Meer, across lawn, paths, & the park drive to 
eventually be by the butterfly plantings area, locally called the Knoll, 
overlooking the n.e. end of the N. Meadow ballfields, & also on the ballfield. 
Many observers of this meadowlark since it was first found, & in its various 
locations on Wednesday.  A Lincoln’s Sparrow that overwintered was again found 
at Central Park’s compost area.

Further arrivals appeared to be rather limited; there have been Louisiana 
Waterthrushes in a couple of locations (where regular & anticipated) in Central 
Park, and at least one still-very-early N. Parula was again in the Ramble in 
Central. The other warbler spp. seen lately were all still present as well in 
various locations: Pine, Palm, & a few [Mytle] Yellow-rumped. Other migrants 
still in low numbers included both Kinglet species, Brown Creepers, & (few) 
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, as well as N. Rough-winged Swallow.  Fly-overs for 
Manhattan included Osprey (few), Black Vulture (2, Inwood Hill Park), Turkey 
Vultures, & Bald Eagle.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore

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