In case not seen by some with interest in this report, a photo had been posted of the Violet-Green Swallow found April 22 in Saratoga County to the publicly-accessible Hudson-Mohawk group list, and that *photo* by the sole (?) observer / photographer John Hershey, is here: <> & one may follow the reports on that H-M group-list at this link: <> (as well as on other bird list-serve aggregators). It’s clear too that a number of other birders came out to try.
The photo seems to show a nicely colored male. Quite rare anywhere in the east, of course…. Vischer Ferry & vicinity is a great area; I with several others once enjoyed one of the best single hours of birding I have ever had in the state of NY there (it was a while ago). Thanks to all who offered reports & obviously to the finder! If re-found, it’s a species deserving of reports to the NYS list along with any & all other bird-report ‘channels’. good luck, Tom Fiore manhattan -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --