Memorial Day - Monday, May 31st - Some of the many birds found in N.Y. County on the day are listed below. Those (also) found within Central Park are noted with [C.P.] There were at least 18 species of warblers still lingering / passing through at Central Park, and at least 19 species for all of N.Y. County on the day. Nice movements of Chimney Swifts & some swallows in the morning, some still on the move late-day. Both Y.-b. & B.-b. Cuckoos were present in Central Park, skulking & rather quiet. A few species listed below have no locations listed so as not to bring additional attention. A fairly good variety of the birds were vocalizing, including male songbirds such as warblers giving song. However, a high proportion overall were either female, or non-vocal 1st-spring males. In addition, some warblers that were singing were giving less-typical versions of some of their songs. None that I saw were id’d. solely on hearing in Central Park, while elsewhere a few were if seen previously.
Weather clearing (fully) late, and putting smiles back on a lot of faces with the temp’s recovering out of the 40’s, and sunny skies by midafternoon. Birds were active for all 15+ hours of daylight. Canada Goose - Central Park [C.P.] & elsewhere. [Atlantic] Brant (most may have departed by now) Wood Duck - [C.P.] (at least 2 drakes continue, w/ multiple observers) Gadwall - [C.P.] & elsewhere. American Black Duck Mallard - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Double-crested Cormorant - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Great Blue Heron (scarce now) Great Egret - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Snowy Egret - [C.P.] & elsewhere (as fly-overs). Green Heron - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Black-crowned Night-Heron - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (scarce) Black Vulture - again seen from n. Manhattan. Turkey Vulture - seen from [C.P.] & elsewhere - (multiple observations). Osprey - seen from [C.P.] & elsewhere - (w/ multiple observers at C.P.) Bald Eagle (over Hudson River, fly-by; species also reported by others. Red-tailed Hawk - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Killdeer (ongoing at several locations) Spotted Sandpiper - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Laughing Gull - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Ring-billed Gull (much scarcer now) [American] Herring Gull - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Great Black-backed Gull - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Common Tern - from lower Manhattan & esp. on Governors Island. ['feral'] Rock Pigeon - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Mourning Dove - [C.P.] & elsewhere. American Kestrel - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Peregrine Falcon - seen from [C.P.] & elsewhere. Black-billed Cuckoo - [C.P.] Yellow-billed Cuckoo - [C.P.] & elsewhere. 2 owls - and Common Nighthawk. Chimney Swift - [C.P. & elsewhere] - great no’s. moving thru in early a.m., still many thru the day to dusk. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Belted Kingfisher (scarce) Red-bellied Woodpecker - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Downy Woodpecker - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Hairy Woodpecker (relatively scarce) Yellow-shafted Flicker - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Olive-sided Flycatcher - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Eastern Wood-Pewee - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - [C.P.] & elsewhere (seen singing/calling, C.P.; & late in day, 2 seen quite well at R’side. Park-north) Acadian Flycatcher - [C.P.] & elsewhere. (multiple singing birds, incl. in the Central Park Ramble) [‘Traill’s'-type Empidonax genus] Flycatcher - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Willow Flycatcher [Least Flycatcher] - (at least several seen-not-heard Empidonax, best fitting this species plumage & bill… *at least* of expected sp.!) Eastern Phoebe (scarce) Great Crested Flycatcher - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Eastern Kingbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. [White-eyed Vireo - possible; and this is a potential breeding species, which has bred in NYC regularly] Warbling Vireo - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Red-eyed Vireo - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Blue Jay - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Common Raven - ongoing in Manhattan. American Crow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Fish Crow (not that scarce at some locations in the county) Tree Swallow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Barn Swallow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Black-capped Chickadee - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Tufted Titmouse - [C.P.] & elsewhere. White-breasted Nuthatch - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Carolina Wren - [C.P.] & elsewhere. House Wren - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (scarce) Veery - at least 2, one in Central Park; quite late for here. Gray-cheeked Thrush - [C.P.] & elsewhere. [possibility also for non-vocal Bicknell's Thrush, which are still migrating]. Swainson's Thrush - [C.P.] & elsewhere - this species is still being found rather widely in Manhattan & a fair no. have been singing at times, esp. with the recent rains. Veery - [C.P.] - 1, or poss. 2. **[Hermit Thrush - this species has been reported a few times lately & we have, rather-rarely, had the species even later, into June here.] Wood Thrush - [C.P.] & elsewhere. American Robin - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Gray Catbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Northern Mockingbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Brown Thrasher - [C.P.] & elsewhere. European Starling - [C.P.] & elsewhere. House Sparrow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Cedar Waxwing - [C.P.] & elsewhere (and occasionally numerous) Scarlet Tanager - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Eastern Towhee - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Chipping Sparrow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Song Sparrow - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Lincoln's Sparrow - several sightings in separate locations, incl. [C.P.]; not really that late. Swamp Sparrow - several sightings in separate locations, incl. [C.P.]; rather late, for here. White-throated Sparrow - multiple - & not at all unusual to have small no’s. take a 'summer-off' here, incl. [C.P.] Northern Cardinal - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - [C.P.] & elsewhere - late; in some less-crowded parks, of interest as poss. breeder) Indigo Bunting - [C.P.] & elsewhere (this species has bred on Manhattan in the past decade) - Tennessee Warbler - [C.P.] - non-singing, high in a Tulip-Polar at n. end of the park. Nashville Warbler - north sector-Riverside Park (late for end of May here). Northern Parula - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Yellow Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Chestnut-sided Warbler - [C.P.] (late) Magnolia Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Black-throated Blue Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Black-throated Green Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Blackburnian Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Bay-breasted Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Blackpoll Warbler - in numbers, [C.P.] & elsewhere. Black-and-white Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. American Redstart - in numbers, [C.P.] & elsewhere. Ovenbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Northern Waterthrush - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Mourning Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. (in C.P., not in Ramble or vicinity) Common Yellowthroat - multiple, [C.P.] & elsewhere. Wilson's Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Canada Warbler - [C.P.] & elsewhere. - Bobolink - (2 females were seen again on Governors Island [G. Willow, et al], prob. just running a bit late). Red-winged Blackbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Common Grackle - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Brown-headed Cowbird - [C.P.] & elsewhere. Orchard Oriole - [C.P.] & elsewhere - there are *at least* 6 sites on Manhattan alone with this species as of 5/31. Baltimore Oriole - [C.P.] & elsewhere - by far, the more-common & regularly-seen breeding oriole of N.Y. County. Purple Finch - [C.P.] - 'late-ish', yet not by much in *this year*… in the park’s far-north end woods. House Finch - [C.P.] & elsewhere. American Goldfinch - - [C.P.] & elsewhere. - & doubtless at least a few additional species in all of the county. ... More strong migration carrying many species onward, including into Canada, overnight Mon. night to June 1st… good birding to all, Tom Fiore manhattan -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --