A juvenile-plumaged LITTLE Blue Heron was found & photographed at Inwood Hill 
Park (in N.Y. City) on the mudflats (& also perching up in low branches 
overlooking the flats), in late morning Tuesday 7/20, by N. O’Reilly, with 
multiple others arriving later on to view the same bird.  It’s a rarely-seen 
species in N.Y. County, & perhaps esp. so for Manhattan (Inwood is at the 
northern tip of Manhattan island); there are previous records for the species, 
including even at Central Park, but all prior county records are rather few & 
far-between.  Thanks to Nate for the quickly-posted eBird report.  [n.b.., 
Great Egrets are also rather regular now.]

(This bird’s appearance at that location as noted above may not be much related 
to the inland sightings of various wading birds, with of course some of the 
most notable / surprising being the multiple Roseate Spoonbills through a 
number of states where not expected at all, or not often - a lot of sightings 
this month well north of usual areas; there have also been inland sightings of 
Yellow-crowned Night-Herons and a number of other wading species in places and 
regions where not at all regular, or in some, the first for a location.) 

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds were starting to move in modest numbers by 7/19, 
with fresh sightings around the city, including in N.Y. County at several 
locations, which included Central Park, while a number of observers have been 
seeing more than one at Fort Tryon Park.  Also on the move on 7/19 & 7/20 were 
icterids, with Red-winged Blackbird making fairly strong southbound moves (not 
unusual for the month of July, of course far ahead of the major movements of 
mid to late fall of that species and other icterids), and also some 
Brown-headed Cowbirds as well as a smattering of Orchard Oriole, which can be 
an extremely early migrant, although a good many of the latter are still on 
territories in & around N.Y. City (& county).  Also, intriguingly, a very few 
cuckoos, including Black-billed Cuckoo, were in N.Y. County as of 7/19 - early 
migrants or simply wanderers, which might indicate some non-breeding (which is 
not unusual for some).

good birding to all,

Tom Fiore
N.Y. City, & beyond 

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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