New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Randall’s, and Governors 
There was an obvious fresh influx of birds even after many recently strong 
migration-nights and days, with Wednesday 9/15 providing likely firsts of the 
season of some species in N.Y. County, including Ring-necked Duck, American 
Bittern, Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, Slate-colored Junco, and perhaps a few 
additional migrants, & more obviously, a great increase of many migrant species 
in the county with at least a few of those species increasing by five or even 
ten times overnight, and near-fallout conditions in some locations, for at 
least some (common and expected) species.  Just one very evident example of 
those are Common Yellowthroat, which in some county-locations had increased 
tenfold overnight. The fallout situation was almost certainly compounded thanks 
to storms that had passed the area overnight with strong migration again 
already in progress.
In light of that, a recent find of Least Bittern at the Stuyvesant-town and 
Peter Cooper village area of Manhattan, which is regularly birded by at least 
several keen birders, may have been a storm-dropped bird, hopefully now on its 
way again and not in a rehab, since that’s not quite the typical habitat for 
the species; details are still a bit hazy on that find, but a photo had been 
posted on the tenant association website for that particular residential 
community; there appear to have been NO further reports. Perhaps some other / 
additional details will be forthcoming, on a species that is just occasional in 
the county, with few well-documented recent records.  Thanks to the individuals 
who privately communicated more on that recent occurrence, with a bit of 
sleuthing required as well. (Any further information would be great for the 
record.) I am 
A Blue Grosbeak was found & photographed (G. Willow) on Governors Island on 
Wed., 9/15; one of a batch of those photos is linked-to here, in the Macaulay 
Library archives:
A Yellow-breasted Chat was found at the area of Central Park just west of 
Gapstow bridge in the s-e. quadrant of the park (adjacent to and including the 
Hallett Sanctuary, which opens to the public at 10 a.m. daily) on Wed., 9/15.  
The sighting is confirmed in eBird; that Chat might well linger in that 
vicinity for some time, as some of that species are wont to do (as well as 
those which do not!), with the species sometimes re-appearing days, weeks, or 
less-commonly even months later at a given location (including an occasional 
chat which attempts to over-winter).
Red-headed Woodpecker sightings increased at least slightly in recent days, 
with another from Central Park (again, a first-fall plumaged bird lacking red 
hood) on Tues., 9/14; there were also others of the species reported both in 
the county, and nearby region, in recent days, many being fly-by sightings in 
potential or in obvious migration-mode.   This species certainly may linger for 
some time at locations in N.Y. County.
A Monk Parakeet was noted around Inwood Hill Park on 9/15; that neighborhood 
had been hosting at least one, perhaps more of the species this year, and 
recent sightings from around there at least suggest the possibility some had 
been present as breeding birds as well. (The species has nested in the county 
before.)  An American Bittern was found at Corlears Hook on the East River very 
early on 9/15, not re-located later (that park and area are on Manhattan’s 
lower far east side.)
A more complete list of recent sightings and the many species involved for the 
county, perhaps in a few days.  It’s been a busy period!  Thanks to all who 
reported sightings.  A recent Connecticut Warbler was seen by many others 
eventually (in lower Manhattan) - thanks to early alerts by one of the regulars 
to some particular parks, and as always a bit of good luck with the bird 
staying relatively visible-viewable for later arriving watchers.  Patience and 
quiet observing also contributed, as is frequently the case.
Good birding,
Tom Fiore


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