After seeing the fabulous Slaty-backed Gull and the Glaucous Gull this am early 
I decided to take a walk around the Ramble and North end to see what was 
around.  Besides all the usual stuff I loved that there were hawks all over the 
place it seemed.  Everything i was seeing was giving great looks and photo ops. 
 I had an adult Cooper's and a Red-tailed Hawk at the Point in the Ramble.  
Then over by the Azalea Pond/Feeders area I had two Red-taileds attacking a 
male Great Horned Owl (which flew off north about 5 minutes later).  Then I 
made my way up to the northwest end of the park and had a juvenile male and an 
adult female Cooper's calling to each other and bathing in the stream there.  
All of these hawks were totally oblivious to anyone who was nearby giving great 
looks, espcially the pair of Cooper's.  Then on the way out along Central Park 
West around 102 st. I had another juvie male Cooper's or maybe the same one 
from before sitting in a tree above the sidewalk.  Very cool day for seeing 
these great birds close and personal:-)  Of course while I was doing all this i 
was missing the Black-headed, Iceland, and Lesser Black-backed Gulls that 
showed after I left:-(  Still an awesome day.
Andrew v. F. Block
Consulting Naturalist
20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3
Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4780

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