The drake CINNAMON TEAL was observed by many at Groveland Flats, Livingston County, NY this Sunday, March 27th. (Blue-winged Teal also present there as have been showing in other locations around the state; the Cinnamon Teal was a re-discovery, having been found previously-recently in this location, by two birders.)
______________ New York County (in N.Y. City), including Manhattan, Randall’s Island and Governors Island Sunday, March 27th: The long-staying Western Tanager was seen again at Carl Schurz Park on Manhattan’s far-east side, by multiple observers at various times, with the tanager visiting the feeder array as described in previous reports and on the NYC area R.B.A. Long-tailed Ducks (at least 2) were seen both near Inwood Hill Park at the northern tip of Manhattan and a bit earlier in the day, off Governors Island, looking north into the harbor; both of these apparent-adult drakes. Northern Rough-winged Swallows showed as well, with at least 2 moving in to Central Park (perhaps more) and at least 3 passing the “Hills” area of Governors Island in a bit of a sky-watch (which also produced 14 Tree Swallows, in addition to the 10 or more sitting in separately-paired spots near swallow-boxes on that island, esp. northwest of the food-court; and on the sky-watch, 2 juv.-plumaged Bald Eagles, the earlier of which probably was in fact resting on the “Hills” and then moved off towards the NNW.) Also on the move in at least modest no’s. on Sunday were Turkey Vultures, & at least 1 Black Vulture also took its’ time going north along the Hudson river. A Lincoln’s Sparrow was again present at Governors Island, with the addition of at least 2 Swamp Sparrows, as well as (one) Chipping and (one) [Red] Fox Sparrow, and a very small no. (there) of White-throated Sparrows while Song Sparrows were very numerous and very vocal. There were a variety of other species also... Chipping and Field Sparrow were again in Central Park, & that drake Ring-necked Duck also was seen again at ’The Meer’ of Central Park, along with many more species, including (at least) some Pine and [Myrtle] Yellow-rumped among Warbler species there. More on other and additional sightings after some of the deep-freeze pushes in over the next couple of nights & days. good birding to all, Tom Fiore manhattan -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --