5/5/22 - Tibbets Brook Park, Yonkers, NY
Time: 11am to 4:30pmObserver:  Andrew Block
many Canada Geese (incl. one on nest)1 Mute Swan (on nest)4 Wood Ducksseveral 
Mallardsseveral Rock Pigeons3 Mourning Doves1 Chimney Swift3 Spotted 
Sandpipers1 Solitary Sandpiper8 Double-crested Cormorants1 Great Blue Heron1 
Turkey Vulture2 Red-tailed Hawks3 birds not allowed to be mentioned here (2 
fledglings, one adult)1 Red-bellied Woodpecker2 Northern Flickers2 Downy 
Woodpeckers3 Eastern Kingbirds1 Eastern Phoebe1 Yellow-throated Vireo2 
Blue-headed Vireosseveral Warbling Vireos1 Red-eyed Vireo5+ Blue Jays2 American 
Crows3 Tree Swallows2 Northern Rough-winged Swallowsseveral Barn Swallows (many 
on nests)1 Tufted Titmouse1 House Wren2 Carolina Wrens1 Blue-gray 
Gnatcatchermany American Robins (incl. one on nest)many Gray Catbirdsseveral 
European Starlingsmany House Sparrows2 American Goldfinches1 Ovenbird2 Northern 
Waterthrushesseveral Black-and-white Warblers1 Nashville Warbler3 American 
Redstarts5+ Northern Parulas4 Yellow Warblers1 Chestnut-sided Warbler1 
Black-throated Blue Warbler2 Palm Warblersmany Yellow-rumped Warblers20+ 
Chipping Sparrows1 Song Sparrow5+ White-throated Sparrows4+ Northern 
Cardinalsseveral Red-winged Blackbirdsseveral Common Grackles4 Brown-headed 
Cowbirds2 Baltimore Orioles
Andrew v. F. Block
Consulting Naturalist
20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3
Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4780 

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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