As some of you know, I have been following two Oystercatcher nests on Brooklyn 
beaches this season, one in Plumb Beach and the other in Dead Horse Point. Both 
nests produced two chicks each and lost the third egg to predation. 

In Plumb Beach, the two parents abandoned the third egg because they were busy 
taking care of two chicks which require a lot of attention. The third egg 
stayed unprotected in the nest for almost two weeks before it disappeared, most 
likely to a predator. No evidence of the egg was seen.

But in Dead Horse Point, a strange thing happened, I couldn't believe my eyes. 
The third egg was supposed to hatch yesterday, after the first two hatched in 
the previous two days. But today, I only managed to see two chicks alive. The 
Whole family was foraging some 500 feet away from the nest location.

I decided to check the nest location to see if I can see any evidence of an egg 
or a chick sitting on the ground. And to my surprise, one of the parents flew 
all the way and landed near me, making all kind of noise. Initially, I thought, 
the third chick is alive, and the parent is protecting it. But instead, I found 
the third egg completely destroyed and the content is spilling out of the 
broken eggshell.

The egg was few inches away from the nest location, which suggests it was eaten 
by a bird, not a land animal, like a raccoon which usually take the egg away 
and they are in abundance here. 

I have seen many shorebird nests over the years, and I always see the eggs 
disappeared without any trace. This is the first time I see a remnant of a 
destroyed egg.

Usually, the Oystercatcher move on after losing their eggs. But this time, and 
for the first time, I see a parent staying close to the egg, making all kind of 
noise. This gave me the impression that the parent, either doesn't think that 
the chick is dead, and hope that it will come out somehow, or it was mourning 
or memorializing its loss. it kept doing this until I left the nest area and 
then it went back to its family. 

It was a heartbreaking scene that left me in sadness for the next few hours.

I wonder if anyone has any knowledge that Oystercatcher do mourn or memorialize 
their losses.

Here are photos of the chicks, parents and the destroyed egg:

Gus Keri


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