I found a single Baird's sandpiper on Friday August 26 around 6:30 p.m. at the 
Ossining Waterfront.  That bird was then re-found Saturday morning (multiple 
observers) and again on Sunday, when Steve R noticed and photographed a second 
Baird's (his e-bird list from 8/28 has photos of both).  B-2 was less buffy 
than B-1 and has a white "spot" on feathering between beak and eye.  B-2 
continues at least through 8:30 am this morning and has been favoring the rocks 
west of the band shell rather than the "spit" by wooden dock.   Per Steve, B-1 
flew off Sunday with a least SP, and has not been seen since; B-2 is the one 
that lingers.  Certainly, unusual to have one Baird's let alone two seen on the 
Hudson side of the County.  Appears to be first documented Westchester 
record(s) since 2007.

Note: Ebird has two locations for Ossining waterfront (believe both are hot 
spots), one is Harbor Square Park the other Louis Engel Park but they are 
contiguous and probably should be merged. The parking is commuter permitted 
except for about 12 (or so) free spots by Engel Park.  As for the remainder of 
the commuter lot both east and west of the train tracks, weekends are free and 
on weekday the commuter spots are not checked (for permits) after I'd say about 
11 am (but don't hold me to it). There is a path that goes along the river from 
the south end (by prison) north to the end of the apartment building which goes 
into a narrow path running along the Sing Sing Kill (creek) where the Black 
Crown Night Herons roost just before you are back to the train parking lot.

L. Trachtenberg

 Lawrence B. Trachtenberg | 
Aronson Mayefsky & Sloan, LLP
12 E. 49th Street, New York, New York 10017 | T: 212.521.3511 | F: 212.838.5505

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NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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