The Limpkin continues in the same area today, a bit south of the harbormaster’s 
house at Lewiston Landing. Feeding actively on snails along the lawn this 

-Tim H

> On Nov 15, 2022, at 9:51 PM, Timothy Healy <> wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed update, Willie! I really appreciate the search tips. 
> Brendan Fogarty and I are traveling up from NYC overnight and hope to have 
> some lucky tomorrow morning. Here’s hoping the bird weathers tonight’s wintry 
> mix OK. Maybe we’ll see you there!
> Cheers,
> -Tim H
>>> On Nov 15, 2022, at 7:34 PM, Willie D'Anna <> 
>>> wrote:
>> A Limpkin was found by a local fishing guide, Frank Campbell, last 
>> Wednesday. This is the first NYS record, if accepted by the NYSARC. Frank 
>> has seen the bird several times since, including today, when he took of a 
>> photo of it and sent it to Connie Adams of the NYSDEC. Connie sent it to me 
>> to ask for an ID. I and three others converged on Lewiston Landing [eBird 
>> hotspot is called Niagara—Lewiston (NY)] and looked for over an hour with no 
>> luck. I asked Connie Adams if she could find out exactly where it was seen. 
>> She got back to me pretty soon and said that it had been there a week! She 
>> also said that it likes to hide in the bushes next to the harbor master 
>> building. Pretty strange behavior for a Limpkin! As she was telling me this, 
>> I was stopped right in front of the harbor master building. I looked at the 
>> weeds there and almost immediately I noticed some movement. It’s probably a 
>> squirrel, I thought. No way is that a Limpkin. As you probably guessed by 
>> now, it was indeed the Limpkin!
>> The Limpkin stayed in this patch of weeds all afternoon, except for brief 
>> forays onto the grass nearby. There are loads of snails here and it was 
>> having a feast. It looks quite healthy to me. Frank Campbell told me that he 
>> has not seen it fly but I think that’s only because it doesn’t need to, not 
>> because it is injured. Still, we will be keeping a close eye on it and will 
>> not hesitate to call a wildlife rehabilitator, if it seems to be having 
>> difficulty.
>> WHERE IT IS AND TIPS FOR SEEING IT: This bird should be easy to see if it 
>> stays in the same spot. If you don’t know the exact spot, it is very easy to 
>> miss, however, as we did this morning. The coordinates are 43.173805, 
>> -79.049374 Mapped pin:  This is below 
>> the cliff, down at river level. You must park above at street level and take 
>> the stairs down. For those who have difficulty walking, you can be driven 
>> down and let off at water level. Look for the blue-gray building that says 
>> “harbor master” over one of the doors. Next to it is a blue-gray shed. The 
>> weeds that it was hanging out in all day today are between those two 
>> buildings, which are only 15 feet apart. The bird sometimes moves behind one 
>> of the buildings but you can usually find it by moving around. It is close, 
>> only 30 feet or so away, though usually obscured or made invisible by weeds, 
>> and does not seem particularly concerned about people. However, please do 
>> not surround it, as it does sometimes like to come out into the open.
>> Now for the tricky part – the weather. A major lake-effect snowstorm is 
>> being forecast for Buffalo and points north for Friday through Sunday. Often 
>> when this happens, Lewiston may not get that much snow. However, if you take 
>> the NYS Thruway all the way to Buffalo, you could run into some major snow 
>> on those days. One option would be to take I-490 through Rochester and come 
>> along Lake Ontario. It’s a few more miles but could save you a lot of time 
>> and aggravation. So, check the radar on your weather app before you get to 
>> the Rochester exits. For Wednesday and Thursday, the snow around Lewiston 
>> should be pretty minor, though not zero. At some point Thursday evening the 
>> snow will start to move northward.
>> Good luck if you try to see this amazing bird!
>> Willie                                                                       
>> ------------------
>> Willie D'Anna
>> Wilson, NY
>> dannapotterATroadrunnerDOTcom
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