The 2022 Northern Nassau CBC was held on Saturday December 17th. This was
the 70th count for Northern Nassau, which encompasses Manhasset Bay,
Hempstead Harbor and Oyster Bay and south to the Northern State. Hot spots
within the circle include Sands Point Preserve, Prospect Point, Garvies
Point Preserve, Welwyn, Muttontown and Caumsett SP.

This year was sunny, windy with temperatures close to 40. Relatively mild
weather meant the ponds were still open. Most of the 67 counters found it
fairly quiet but still managed to find 105 species, boosted to 106 with a
late add of a Yellow-rumped Warbler from a feeder count. Of those, 28 were
saves, birds found in only one of the 15 sectors within the count circle.
Count lows were Wood Duck (1), Cedar Waxwing (1), Brown Thrasher (1),
Red-winged Blackbird (1) , Black Scoter (1) and Chipping (1) and Field (4)
sparrows. Highs were Green-wing Teal (45) and Common Merganser (17).

There were a high number of rarities located, some firsts for the count,
marked *. Some were true rarities for the region; Red Phalarope*(Lloyd
Neck) , Pink Footed Goose* (Private Location) , Red-Necked Grebe, Eurasian
Wigeon (Oyster Bay), Red Crossbill*, and Yellow-breasted Chat *(Glen Head)
. Others were late staying summer regulars like House Wren, Great Egret,
Black-crowned Night Heron, and Baltimore Oriole.  Another group classes as
seen in the region but generally not found on the north shore like Lesser
Black- backed Gull, Black Vulture*, and Boat-tailed Grackle* which was both
late and out of the typical south shore area. And one is probably not super
rare, just secretive and hard to find, Northern Saw Whet Owl (Private
location). Notable count week species were a Cackling Goose (Private
Location) and a Nashville Warbler (Glen Head), hanging out with the Chat.

Misses included several species that have been located on five to ten of
counts in the last 10 years;  Horned Grebe for the first time ever, Surf
Scoter, Brown-headed Cowbird, Greater Yellowlegs, Savannah Sparrow,
Cackling Goose (count week),  Wilson’s Snipe, Northern Harrier, Northern
Shoveler, Eastern Phoebe, Pied-bill Grebe, American Coot, American Pipet
and Pine Warbler.

Thanks to the birders who made this possible, from Al Lindberg celebrating
his 50th count to two new counters. Compilers for Northern Nassau are
Jennifer Wilson-Pines, Glenn Quinn, Stephane Perreault, and Brendan
Jennifer Wilson-Pines


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