The Central Suffolk (Long Island) Christmas Bird Count was held on Tuesday, 27 
December 2022, with clear weather, light winds and cool temperatures - ranging 
from 27 - 35 degrees throughout the day. Because the Count Day followed a 
stretch of below freezing days, most fresh water locations were nearly frozen 
over, including the normal duck hot-spot of Eastport Pond.  Many south shore 
creeks and inlets, as well as parts of Moriches Bay, had frozen sections.  
Started with the Count of 1953, and five participants, this circle is has its 
center in Manorville, LI, and covers the area of Calverton/Riverhead, 
Westhampton, Cupsogue County Park, Smith Point County Park and Yaphank.  This 
year, there were 18 parties and 43 participants, and a total of 120 species and 
21,535 individuals birds seen.  As with every Count, there were certain 

1 Snow Goose
1 Eurasian Wigeon
125 Wild Turkey
Bald Eagle - an amazing total of 22 were reported, but with the limited area 
covered, there may have been some duplication of individuals.  Full adults and 
juveniles were seen
3 American Woodcock
310 Bonaparte’s Gull
Among the owls, 3 Northern Saw-whet, 14 Eastern Screech Owl, and 5 Great Horned 
Owls were heard during pre-dawn hours.
9 Common Raven
71 Horned Lark
3 Orange-crowned Warbler
74 Snow Bunting
1 Eastern Meadowlark
4 Rusty Blackbird
16 Red-crossbill
6 Pine Siskin

Missed on this Count, but usually seen in the past, were Wood Duck, American 
Bittern, Snowy Owl, Cedar Waxwing, White-crowned Sparrow. Common Grackle

A compilation dinner was held at a local fraternal hall in Eastport, with 
thanks to Eastern Long Island Audubon Society for subsiding the catered meal.

Thank you to all the participants this year - and every year!  Without your 
dedication and commitment - and long hours in the cold - this event wouldn’t be 
possible.  Our 60th Count will be on 27 Dec 2023 - Save The Date!!
The best in the year ahead, and, as always - Good Birds in our collective 
Eileen Schwinn


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