I have not been in the Montezuma area since Saturday, so I've been missing the 
show! I've been getting almost hour by hour updates though from many birders 
who have been out that way and...

It sounds like the Snow Geese have ARRIVED! The muck flats on Route 31 between 
Savannah and Montezuma (town) are packed with Snow Geese, swans, ducks, and 
Canadas! Many people have been enjoying them the last few days, don't delay 
until next week because it very well could be too late, and I can't predict how 
long they'll be around.

If you go to look for them:

-The gravel "pull offs" (which are used for loading/unloading equipment by the 
farmer) on 31 itself are privately owned, and I have no authority to grant 
people access to park there, however they've been used for a long time and the 
owners don't seem to mind.
-please do not stop on route 31 or walk across! The traffic goes very fast 
through there and there is no safe place to get out of the way.
-please look around before you leave, to make sure no litter, masks, bottles, 
etc. fell out of your vehicle when getting in and out
-the fields along 31 are primarily private lands, although there is a strip of 
refuge owned land closer to the canal on the west side. There is no public 
access for people to be out in the fields either on refuge or private lands here
-hunting may occur on these fields. Usually, decoys are set on the south side 
of 31. This is legal, the landowners can hunt or allow anyone to hunt there if 
they like, and snow geese are a well populated species that needs management.

I have guided tours on the schedule this week, and Wednesday's tour has no one 
registered yet! It's going to be great birding; I can't believe it hasn't sold 
out yet.

Here are links for more info and to register for upcoming tours:

3/9/22 https://act.audubon.org/a/montezuma-birding-tour-030922
3/12/22 https://act.audubon.org/a/montezuma-birding-tour-31222

The full schedule of Montezuma Audubon Center events is listed at: Programs & 
Events <https://ny.audubon.org/montezuma-programs-and-events>

And lastly, I am offering my All About Snow Geese presentation virtually 
Thursday evening! I have recently given this presentation, so if you already 
attended, this will be very similar. I do record them and if you can't make it 
Thursday night, if you register, I will send the recording to you afterwards.


If you use Facebook<https://m.facebook.com/MontezumaAudubonCenter/>, give us a 
follow- I'm trying to keep it updated over there and I posted a map of how to 
find the muck flats recently, it may be buried in the pics of the last day or 

Good luck!

Alyssa Johnson
Environmental Educator

Montezuma Audubon Center
PO Box 187
2295 State Route 89
Savannah, NY 13146
Click here to see upcoming programs and 
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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