Last night's migration was quite evident on Long Island's barrier beaches this 
morning. The calm conditions during the overnight combined with a building 
NWerly during the predawn hours seemed to push a good number of migrants to the 
oceanfront. At Robert Moses State Park in Suffolk County, a light morning 
flight was evident with many additional newly-arrived Neotropics in the bushes 
as well.
The highlight was a female-type Passerina bunting that appeared around 6am.  It 
immediately struck me as Lazuli-like with a bold white median wingbar and a 
neatly white-edged greater covert bar.  It was not very cooperative as many 
active migrants are along the barrier, but I did manage to study it twice 
The white wingbars and buffy wash on the flanks seemed suggestive of Lazuli, 
but a pale throat, cooler toned upperbreast, two-toned bill and chunkier-headed 
appearance is more consistent with INBU influence and lead me to think it is 
not a pure bird. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I would think that it is 
likely of some degree of hybrid origin (comments welcome!).  It was originally 
found near the Field 2 toll booths, was briefly resighted further west closer 
to the turnaround, before disappearing for good (likely bouncing westward 
beyond down the barrier strip).
Other interesting migrants were present indicative of the active movement 
overnight. This ranged from the broadly common, but locally very significant 
species such as multiple Green Herons, Warbling Vireo, Blue Jay, and Wood 
Thrush (all very scarce on the barrier except during good flights) -- to a few 
regionally-scarce migrants like a male Blue Grosbeak that dropped in near the 
tollplaza and Orange-crowned Warbler.
Full details of the morning and poor photos of the Passerina can be seen at:
Best,Mike McBrien

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