Central Park NYC
Friday October 14, 2022
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Sora, Grasshopper Sparrow, Hairy Woodpecker, Baltimore Oriole, 
American Redstart and Nine other Species of Wood Warblers. Thanks to Paul 
Curtis, Scott Brevda and Caren Jahre for the excellent bird spotting. The Sora 
and Grasshopper Sparrow continued at Turtle Pond from Thursday with numerous 

Canada Goose - 46
Northern Shoveler - 22
Gadwall - 21
Mallard - 52
Mourning Dove - 9
Sora - 1 Turtle Pond (after walk - continuing bird)
Herring Gull - a dozen flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 2 Harlem Meer
Red-tailed Hawk - 4 or 5
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 male at the Great Hill, others heard
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 5
Downy Woodpecker - 1 Grassy Knoll
Hairy Woodpecker - 1 female near the Green Bench
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
American Kestrel - 1 flyover Conservatory Garden (another flyover there later)
Eastern Phoebe - 3
Blue Jay - 6
American Crow - flock of 10
Black-capped Chickadee - 1 Fort Clinton
Tufted Titmouse - 20-25
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 20-25
Cedar Waxwing - flock of 7
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 (Fort Clinton & the Green Bench)
White-breasted Nuthatch - 2 (Nutter's Battery & the Grassy Knoll)
House Wren - 1 at the Pool
Carolina Wren - 1 Plant Nursery
Gray Catbird - 10-15
Northern Mockingbird - 2 (Conservatory Garden & Compost Area)
Hermit Thrush - 1 at the Loch
American Robin - 20-30
House Finch - 5
American Goldfinch - 3
Grasshopper Sparrow - 1 Turtle Pond (after walk)
Chipping Sparrow - 8-10
Dark-eyed Junco - 2 near Nutter's Battery
White-throated Sparrow - 30-40
Song Sparrow - 3
Swamp Sparrow - 2 (Wildflower Meadow, the Pool)
Eastern Towhee - 1 male north of the Pool, others heard
Baltimore Oriole - 1 hatch-year male north of the Pool
Black-and-white Warbler - 1 female King of Poland (after walk)
Common Yellowthroat - 3
American Redstart - 2 or 3 at the Loch & North Woods
Northern Parula - 1 near Nutter's Battery
Magnolia Warbler - 1 Turtle Pond (after walk)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 4
Palm Warbler - 2 Plant Nursery
Pine Warbler - 1 Fort Clinton
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Fort Clinton
Northern Cardinal - 4 or 5

Deb Allen


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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