3/12/23 - Liberty Loop Trail and Wandering Waters Trail, Wallkill River NWR, NY/NJ hundreds of Canada Geese4 Mute Swans4 Wood Ducksseveral Northern Shovelers6 Gadwalls7 American Widgeonsseveral Mallards200+ Northern Pintailsmany Green-winged Tealsmany Ring-necked Ducks1 Bufflehead5 Hooded Mergansers2 Common Mergansers1 Pied-billed Grebeseveral Rock Pigeons6 Mourning Doves7 American Coots1 Killdeer30+ Ring-billed Gulls1 Herring Gull4 Turkey Vultures2 Northern Harriers1 Red-shouldered Hawk6+ Red-tailed Hawks1 Great Horned Owl1 Belted Kingfisher3 Red-bellied Woodpeckers1 Downy Woodpecker1 Northern Flicker1 American Kestrel7+ Blue Jaysmany American Crows3 Common Ravens5 Black-capped Chickadees4 Tufted Titmice1 Tree Swallow3 White-breasted Nuthatches1 Northern Mockingbirdmany European Starlings7 Eastern Bluebirdsseveral American Robinsmany American Tree Sparrows1 White-crowned Sparrow3 White-throated Sparrowsmany Song Sparrowsmany Red-winged Blackbirdsmany Common Grackles3 Northern Cardinals - Shawangunk Grasslands NWR, Wallkill, NY thousands of Canada Geese4 Mourning Doves3 Black Vultures7+ Turkey Vultures4 Northern Harriers7 Red-tailed Hawks1 or 2 Rough-legged Hawks2 Short-eared Owls2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers2 American Kestrelsmany American Crows4 Blue Jays5 Black-capped Chickadees3 Tufted Titmice4 White-breasted Nuthatches2 Carolina Wrensmany European Starlings4 Eastern Bluebirds5 House Finches3+ Dark-eyed Juncosseveral White-throated Sparrowsseveral Song Sparrowsmany Red-winged Blackbirdsmany Common Grackles3 Brown-headed Cowbirds2 Northern Cardinals Also had a Coyote at Wallkill River and someone else had two Fishers. Andrew Andrew BlockConsulting Naturalist Yonkers, New York www.flickr.com/photos/conuropsis/albums --
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