Central Park NYC
Thursday May 4, 2023
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo (FOS), Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 4 Vireo 
Species, Veery, 11 Wood Warbler Species. See the end of the list for additional 

Canada Goose - 5-10
Mute Swan - 2 Reservoir
Mallard - 10-15
Bufflehead - 2 Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 15-20
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 Summit Rock - First-Of-Season
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 flyover Maintenance Field
Herring Gull - 6-8
Double-crested Cormorant - 5-10
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 on the Point
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 Ramble
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3-4
Downy Woodpecker - pair east side of Turtle Pond
Northern Flicker - pair with possible nest Tupelo Field
White-eyed Vireo - 1 SW Reservoir Bridge
Blue-headed Vireo - 7-10
Warbling Vireo - 1 Upper Lobe
Red-eyed Vireo - 3
Blue Jay - 5-10
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 10-15
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 3
Carolina Wren - pair Maintenance Field
House Wren - pair Shakespeare Garden
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Veery - 1 Azalea Pond (Dan Stevenson)
Hermit Thrush - 2 Stone Arch
American Robin - 15-20
House Finch - 3-4
American Goldfinch - 4-5 Ramble
White-throated Sparrow - 20-25
Song Sparrow - 1 Ramble
Eastern Towhee - 1 male Tupelo Field
Orchard Oriole - 1 second-year male Upper Lobe Lawn
Baltimore Oriole - 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 4-5
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 2 Ramble
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Swampy Pin Oak
Black-and-white Warbler - 5-7 males
Nashville Warbler - 1 male Delacorte
Common Yellowthroat - 2 males (Turtle Pond Dock, Bow Bridge)
American Redstart - 2 males (Azalea Pond, Summer House)
Northern Parula - 3 males
Magnolia Warbler - 2-3
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Summer House
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 4-5
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male Delacorte
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


At the North End an Evening Grosbeak was reported at the Great Hill, a Least 
Flycatcher was reported at the Pool along with a continuing Spotted Sandpiper, 
and the Virginia Rail continued at the Loch.

See @BirdCentralPark and @mbalerter on Twitter maintained by David Barrett for 
these and numerous other NY County bird reports. 

Deb Allen


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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