Central Park NYC
Friday May 12, 2023
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Olive-sided & Least Flycatchers, Scarlet & Summer Tanagers, 
Bay-breasted & other Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 4
Gadwall - pair at the Pool
Mourning Dove - 10-15
Chimney Swift - 6 or 7
Double-crested Cormorant - a few flyovers
Great Blue Heron - flyover (early morning)
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 at the Pool (Scott Brevda)
Red-tailed Hawk - NO activity at nest on the Museum of the City of New York
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 male at the Loch, several others heard
Downy Woodpecker - 2
Northern Flicker - heard
Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 Loch at west cutout
Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1 Loch at west cutout (thanks to Miriam Rakowski)
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Great Hill
Least Flycatcher - 1 Wildflower Meadow
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 Great Hill (Dan Stevenson)
Red-eyed Vireo - 2 seen, several others heard
Blue Jay - several, also a nesting pair with at least 2 young near Conservatory 
American Crow - 1 or 2 apparently unable to locate the renegade Eu. Eagle-Owl
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Azalea Pond (seen after lunch with Melissa and Phyllis)
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Veery - 3
Gray-checked Thrush - 1 continuing at Azalea Pond (after lunch)*
Swainson's Thrush - 3
Wood Thrush - 1 at the Loch (Mark Siegeltuch)
American Robin - several nesting pairs
House Finch - male at the Pool
American Goldfinch - 4
White-throated Sparrow - around a dozen
Swamp Sparrow - 1 at the Loch between the wooden bridge and the Pool
Baltimore Oriole - 3 males, others heard
Red-winged Blackbird - at least 3 singing males
Common Grackle - half-a-dozen
Ovenbird - 15 to 20, many more in the Ramble after lunch
Northern Waterthrush - 4 or 5
Black-and-white Warbler - 7 or 8
Common Yellowthroat - 5 or 6 including 2 females
American Redstart - 7 or 8
Cape May Warbler - 2 Great Hill
Northern Parula - 8-10
Magnolia Warbler - 8-10
Bay-breasted Warbler - 1 male Lily Ponds
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 singing at Blockhouse (Paul Curtis & David Barrett)
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 5 or 6
Blackpoll Warbler - 3 males
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 8
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3
Black-throated Green Warbler - 3
Canada Warbler - 2 males (Loch and Pool)
Summer Tanager - 1 immature male near Azalea Pond (after lunch)
Scarlet Tanager - 7 or 8
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 male bathing in the Loch (Kate Wollin)

*I hope someone will get a sound recording of this Gray-cheeked Thrush, which 
had a lot of yellow on the lower mandible.

Deb Allen


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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