The American Bittern seen by several observers in Central Parks -Manhattan, 
N.Y. City- Ramble section, shortly past 10 am Thursday, 11/2 -A. Simmons, et al 
- not far from the area known as captains bench, is now the first of fall 
sighting this year, so far, to be entered into and confirmed and archived in 
eBird for the county and for Central Park. This also appeared in eBird-alerts 
as a modestly rare sighting for N.Y. County.

A fairly-late House Wren was photographed in Central Park on Thursday -C. 
Wiener-; that species can occasionally show into December in minimal numbers, 
in this county and region. Several Blue-headed Vireos were seen on Thursday, 
and at Central Park on the day there were many observers of that species.

Red-shouldered Hawk was again seen in / over Central Park on 11/2, however far 
more of that species and a variety of other raptors, as well as many Turkey 
Vultures and some Black Vultures were seen by those conducting skywatch 
sessions at northern Manhattans west shore area.

Many observers keeping eyes on the Central Park reservoir have noted the 
increases lately of Buffleheads, with 20+ there at times, and Hooded Merganser 
in double-digits, along with longer-term ongoing waterfowl into 11/2. The 
American Coot numbers had been at minimum of 3 for a while by this week. A 
report of Laughing Gull came from the CP reservoir, and it is worth noting that 
a slightly-similar gull but far-rarer in the region has visited Central Park in 
-past winters- or the adjacent seasons, that being black-headed... always worth 
a 2nd and 3rd look at any gull that seems different to the usual-3 gulls of the 
colder weather here.

About 60 species of birds, not including the 3 usual city / feral species were 
found in Central Park on 11/2, although many more species were found on just 
the day prior, the first of Nov., and as expected, far more species for all of 
the county on both days.
A warbler that lingered a while at Battery Park in lower Manhattan and was 
still being seen to 11/1 was confirmed in eBird as a Mourning Warbler, an 
extremely late date in this region for that species, that bird possibly present 
skulking in that area for many days or more prior to the start of November.

Thanks to the many keen observers out finding birds at all hours lately and 
reporting reliably in available fully-public fora.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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