The Black-chinned Hummingbird continues into at least its 7th day at Randalls 
Island in N.Y. City, where it continues at and around the blooming flowers near 
the Urban Farm, into Tuesday, Nov. 21st. What happens as a rain and wind storm 
arrive overnight into Wed, remains to be seen. This bird has been viewed many 
hundreds of times, by hundreds of observers, over at least five days since the 
initial discovery was more widely broadcast.

Horned Larks came thru especially at Randalls Island and some American Pipits 
were also still being seen this past week. A few E. Bluebirds had also shown 

On Monday 11/20, a flight of waterfowl included a good number of scoters moving 
along the Hudson River off upper Manhattan, and nearly 60 Black Scoter were 
seen, as well as at least 4 White-winged Scoters; 2 Surf Scoters also were 
noted; also a part of that movement were many Green-winged Teal, at least 7 
Long-tailed Ducks, and there were also a variety of other birds in diurnal 

A number of Pine Siskin, and good numbers of Cedar Waxwings have continued to 
appear in the county.

More generally some lingering or rather late-moving birds have included a 
recent Wood Thrush at Union Square Park in Manhattan, and to at least 11/20, a 
Tennessee Warbler. There also were somewhat recent finds of Prairie Warbler on 
Governors Island and Nashville Warbler in northern Manhattan, as well as 
multiple sightings of Orange-crowned Warblers around the county lately, in 
addition to some more typical late-moving or lingering species.

Many more species have been lingering or appearing in N.Y. County recently as 

Thanks to many observers / reporters of many birds and in particular for the 
very rare hummingbird as it continues to be seen.

Good birds and a very good Thanksgiving week to all,

Tom Fiore


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