The MacGillivrays Warbler in Riverdale, part of western Bronx County in N.Y. 
City, was heard chipping and then seen, at the corner of weedy lot along West 
231 St, just west of Independence Ave., before 9 am with some drizzles still 
falling at that hour. Thanks to L. Herzog for this reliable update. This is now 
the 6th known day of occurrence in this area.  Please do not enter the 
driveways or grounds of the adjacent large nursing home or its lawns and of 
course, be courteous to all area residents or workers. 
Parking is probably / usually available up Independence Ave. a block or more 
north, if none is seen along narrow 231 St, and/or along W. 232 St, east of 
Independence where that street is much wider.

Use extra care as several city bus routes are re-routed onto very narrow parts 
of some local streets until some roadwork nearby allows their resumption of 
usual bus routing.

There are still some inquiries about this warbler coming thru from places many 
hours drive out of NY City.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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