Central Park NYC
Friday May 3, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Clay-colored Sparrow, Rusty 
Blackbird, Warblers including Blackpoll and Black-throated Green Warblers.

Canada Goose - 4 including pair nesting at Harlem Meer
Gadwall - pair continues at the Pool
Mallard - 10
Green-winged Teal - pair continues at the Pool
Mourning Dove - a dozen
Chimney Swift - 2
Solitary Sandpiper - 1 at the Pool
Herring Gull - several flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - a few flyovers
Great Egret - 5 or 6 flyovers, one perched at the Meer
Osprey - 1 fishing at the Harlem Meer at around 8am
Bald Eagle - 1 flyover 4th-year bird with head and tail not completely white
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - heard
Northern Flicker - 3
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 High Meadow
Warbling Vireo - 1 Green Bench (Scott Brevda)
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - 1 flyover
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 8
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 or 2 at the Loch (Chris)
House Wren - heard in 4 locations
Gray Catbird - 5 or 6
Hermit Thrush - 1 Children's Glade
American Robin - 20-30
House Finch - 5
American Goldfinch - 2 at the Loch
Chipping Sparrow - 7
Clay-colored Sparrow - 1 continued at Strawberry Fields
Field Sparrow - 1 Green Bench (Scott Brevda)
White-throated Sparrow - 20-25
Swamp Sparrow - 1 at the Loch
Eastern Towhee - 1 male North Woods
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 8
Rusty Blackbird - 1 at the Pool
Common Grackle - 4
Ovenbird - 3
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 at the Pool
Northern Waterthrush - 3 (Caren Jahre)
Black-and-white Warbler - 6 or 7
Common Yellowthroat - 1 female at the Pool (Anindya Seng)
American Redstart - 1 High Meadow
Northern Parula - 10-12
Yellow Warbler - 1 High Meadow (Caren Jahre)
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 male High Meadow
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 10-15
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male High Meadow
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6


Deb Allen


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