A Kentucky Warbler was re-found on Sunday, May 19th at Governors Island, which 
is part of N.Y. County in N.Y. City. That warbler was in the Colonels Row area 
of that island, which is reached by ferries only.

24 or more additional species of warblers were again seen in N.Y. County on 
Sunday, and all 24 of those were part of the more-than 110 species of native 
wild birds found just in Central Park for Sunday.

Further, all 24 of those species of warblers were found in just the Ramble area 
of Central Park, as well as most or all also being seen by the many keen, quiet 
observers and photographers out for the day, some with guided not-for-profit 
bird walks, and also many birding independently, throughout all of Central Park 
and particularly in the north end of that park.

Those warbler species included, as has been so each day for some days by now, 
Mourning Warblers, in multiple locations, with some of those being 
first-detected by songs. A very few of the species of birds seen on Sunday were 
running very slightly later than the average for the species on migration.  
Many more species of all kinds, including a high percentage of migrants, were 
being seen all through the county on Sunday.

Thanks again to quiet observers, and to all who are always cognizant of 
migrating and also nesting birds need for feeding and rest undisturbed by we 
who watch and listen to them.

Tom Fiore


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