Central Park, Manhatttan, N.Y. City -
Sunday, November 3rd -

A photographed Red-headed Woodpecker was re-found, or was perhaps a newer 
arrival for Central Park on Sunday, Nov. 3rd. That species was also reported 
elsewhere in Manhattan over the weekend. At least several Blue-headed Vireos 
were still around in Central Park on Sunday, 11-3. Eastern Bluebirds continued 
to be seen in Central Park on Sunday and also in other Manhattan parks the same 

The following migratory American warbler species were present -again- thru 
Sunday -

Black-and-white Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Cape May Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler

All of the above warbler species have been found into December in Central Park 
in previous years but some very rarely, the least-seen after mid November of 
the above being Magnolia Warbler. Cape May Warbler has had a relatively recent 
history over more than a decade now of showing where sapsuckers leave sap wells 
from their drillings and lingering in this county into early winter. This has 
included January sightings, very rarely, within Central and other parks in 
Manhattan. One of the above species typically clears out of Central Park yet 
may linger elsewhere in the county to winter - Myrtle Warbler, or as still 
more-often referred to, Yellow-rumped Warbler.
A Great Horned Owl had continued to November at Central Park, while a 
photographed sighting of the same species was made with multiple observers on 
Sunday in northern Manhattan, the latter could easily be a different individual 
from the one at Central Park. Some owl species may go unseen via eBird 
reporting for a while as they can be deemed very sensitive species.

Many more migrants and visitant birds were also seen on Sunday at Central Park 
and across New York County. Thanks to many quiet, keen, courteous observers and 
photographers offering reports and photos, thru eBird with the Macaulay Library 
for media archives, and thru other non-x alerts.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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