North Shore Audubon Society will present *Breeding Birds at Greentree *with
Stephane Perreault on *Tuesday, November 26 at 7pm* at the *Manhasset
Public Library*, 30 Onderdonk Ave, Manhasset, NY 11030 and via Zoom.

Please use this link to pre-register for Zoom:

Breeding bird surveys have been conducted at Greentree, Manhasset, for over
a decade. Survey methods evolved from day surveys to season-wide data
collection using a Geographical Information System (GIS). Results from
these surveys will be presented for over 50 species of breeding birds. The
positive impact of sustainable land practices in fields and forests will be
discussed. Greentree is a 400-acre private property owned by the Greentree
Foundation, a non-profit organization with missions of peace,
sustainability, and philanthropy.

*Stephane Perreault* is the naturalist at the Greentree Foundation. He
studied birds at McGill University (B.S., M.S.). Stephane has been a
passionate birder for 45 years and for three decades locally.

Jonathan Herman
Publicity volunteer, North Shore Audubon Society
PO Box 763, Port Washington, NY 11050


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