Hi All,

I have a tradition of birding Van Cortlandt every Thanksgiving, especially 
since the Parade Grounds are usually devoid of athletic activity that  day.  In 
the past I’ve encountered some cool stuff - Vesper Sparrow, Lapland Longspurs, 
American Pipits, Snow Bunting, even a Greater White-fronted Goose among the 
hundreds of Canada Geese. This year I made it the day after Thanksgiving and 
came upon 13 Horned Larks (along with 4 cowbirds among a flock of Mourning 

The problem is eBird didn’t like my high account above 8 - despite it not being 
uncommon for them to congregate in flocks of that size and larger and having 
spent a good amount of time counting them over and over again as they 
continually jockeyed ahead of each other on the lawn.  What’s more, eBird 
wouldn’t count my observation as first-sighted of the month, nor last sighted, 
and since they’re not considered rare - it wouldn’t even make the rare bird 
alert as unconfirmed.

They’ve probably moved on, but I wanted to report them for what it’s worth, 
since they’re not that commonly sighted inland.

Happy Holidays birding,
Alan Drogin

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