Attached is a link to my blog with the preliminary numbers sent me by compiler Rick Cech December 14th Kings Christmas Bird count preliminary numbers/totals 130 species overall. Thank you to all who participated in the 125th CBC! PeterBrooklyn Bird Club "Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. ” Camille Pissarro,19th c. artist, father of -- (copy & paste any URL below, then modify any text "_DOT_" to a period ".") NYSbirds-L List Info: NortheastBirding_DOT_com/NYSbirdsWELCOME_DOT_htm NortheastBirding_DOT_com/NYSbirdsRULES_DOT_htm NortheastBirding_DOT_com/NYSbirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave_DOT_htm ARCHIVES: 1) mail-archive_DOT_com/nysbirds-l@cornell_DOT_edu/maillist_DOT_html 2) surfbirds_DOT_com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L 3) birding_DOT_aba_DOT_org/maillist/NY01 Please submit your observations to eBird: ebird_DOT_org/content/ebird/ --