Today, December 23, 2024, I found a flock of 32 Evening Grosbeaks in Tupper
Lake near the intersection of Webb Rd. and Pine St.  White Ash trees have
abundant seeds this year and the flock was feeding in a large Ash.  They
flew off toward Washington St., which also has lots of White Ash trees.
Almost all the birds were females, and I only spotted 3 males in the flock.


I have found White-winged Crossbills in many locations along Route 30 in
Long Lake - particularly large flocks near the John Dillon Park area with
~40 observed south of the park and ~25 north of the park.  The flock to the
south was feeding on Black Spruce cone seeds.  I made note of this spot to
Tyler Hoar in September when I sent tree seed crop info - it was the only
place I found Black Spruces with cones - and in that particular group of
trees, the crop was bumper!  A strange anomaly!  White-winged Crossbills are
all along Sabattis Rd. beginning just south of the inlet of Little Tupper
Lake and ranging north to Rt. 30.  I've been observing bill-touching
behavior in pairs.


Red Crossbills appear to be widespread and I'm finding them everywhere I
look.  Large flocks were found along North Point Road in Long Lake from the
intersection with Forked Lake Rd. to the outlet of Raquette Lake.  Many were
singing and gritting in the road.  I found a flock today (25-30) along Route
421 to Horseshoe Lake (St Lawrence Co.), also with lots of singing.  The
flock was just before the steep hill down to the lake.  They were all intent
on dead snags, focusing on the softest part of the dead trees.  I took
photos and videos showing they were sticking their tongues into the soft
wood sections.  I frequently see this behavior in Red Crossbills and always
wonder what they are doing.  There was a lot of fighting among flock members
for these decayed spots.  Red Crossbills are all along Sabattis Road where
they have also been feeding in Red Spruces with White-winged Crossbills and
gritting with them.  I have also found Red Crossbills in several areas of
Newcomb including Tahawus Rd. and Route 28N.  I observed mate-feeding at
Sabattis Bog in Long Lake on Dec. 15, 2024.


Pine Siskins are here this winter and we've had a few at our feeders.
Several times, I have observed huge flocks, where they appear as a small
dark cloud!  Recently, a huge flock was gritting in Sabattis Road and they
covered a big section of road from one side to the other!  They are numerous
along North Point Rd. in Long Lake.  Amer. Goldfinches often join them.
They are feeding on the abundant Yellow Birch catkins.  (Red-breasted
Nuthatches have also been feeding on the Yellow Birch catkins and also on
Red Spruce cones - alongside both crossbill species!)


It is always an exciting winter when crossbills are around!


I have an aversion to social media, but I'm making a New Year's resolution
to start posting bird photos once again - at least once in a while!  I am
not a photographer, but I love to photograph crossbills and I posted some
photos to my Facebook page below.


Happy holidays to everyone!


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY 


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