- RBA * New York * New York City, Long Island, Westchester County * Dec. 27, 2024 * NYNY2412.27
- Birds mentioned RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD+ (+ Details requested by NYSARC) GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE Cackling Goose EURASIAN WIGEON HARLEQUIN DUCK Common Goldeneye (Barrow's / Common hybrid) BARROW'S GOLDENEYE Red-necked Grebe MARBLED GODWIT BLACK-HEADED GULL GLAUCOUS GULL Iceland Gull Bald Eagle Red-headed Woodpecker House Wren CLAY-COLORED SPARROW Baltimore Oriole Orange-crowned Warbler Northern Parula Black-throated Blue Warbler Wilson's Warbler PAINTED BUNTING DICKCISSEL - Transcript If followed by (+) please submit documentation of your report electronically and use the NYSARC online submission form found at http://www.nybirds.org/NYSARC/goodreport.htm You can also send reports and digital image files via email to nysarc44 (at)nybirds{dot}org. If electronic submission is not possible, hardcopy reports and photos or sketches are welcome. Hardcopy documentation should be mailed to: Gary Chapin - Secretary NYS Avian Records Committee (NYSARC) 125 Pine Springs Drive Ticonderoga, NY 12883 Hotline: New York City Area Rare Bird Alert Number: (212) 979-3070 Compiler: Tom Burke Coverage: New York City, Long Island, Westchester County Transcriber: Ben Cacace BEGIN TAPE Greetings. This is the New York Rare Bird Alert for *Friday, December 27th 2024* at 11pm. The highlights of today's tape are PAINTED BUNTING, RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD, GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, EURASIAN WIGEON, HARLEQUIN DUCK, BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, MARBLED GODWIT, BLACK-HEADED and GLAUCOUS GULLS, CLAY-COLORED SPARROW, DICKCISSEL and more. The female plumaged PAINTED BUNTING and the nearby CLAY-COLORED SPARROW both continue along the beach in Far Rockaway. Today the PAINTED BUNTING was in the underbrush off the boardwalk near Beach 24th Street often requiring more patience than the CLAY-COLORED SPARROW spotted today around the corner of Beach 26th Street a little west of the BUNTING. Another CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was found today at Powell's Cove Park at College Point in Queens but park at the south end of Powell's Cove. The RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD continues in Eastport at 353 Old Country Road and the homeowners continue to welcome visitors. Park along Union Street just east of the home, walk back to 353 and enter the backyard just past the house near the marked shrubs. Also watch for the ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER still visiting feeders today. The RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD at a private home in Rocky Point was also still present today. A GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE visited Great Pond in Southold for a few days at least to Tuesday and another was seen again Wednesday on Tung Ting Pond in Centerport while the one in lower Westchester, currently frozen out of the Bowman Avenue pond, was spotted on a local private golf course Sunday and on Playland Lake in Rye on Tuesday. Among the several reported CACKLING GEESE this week have been one Flushing Meadows-Corona Park to Thursday and singles Sunday in Prospect Park and Van Cortlandt Park. A drake EURASIAN WIGEON was reported on the West Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Thursday and today. A female HARLEQUIN DUCK has been present on Staten Island since Tuesday off the Ocean Breeze fishing pier at Franklin D. Roosevelt Boardwalk and Beach while others should still be around Jones Inlet. Following last week's report of a drake BARROW'S GOLDENEYE returning again to the waters off Crab Meadow Beach in Northport comes this Tuesday a sighting of an apparent hybrid BARROW'S / COMMON GOLDENEYE at that location with hopefully more to come on this A MARBLED GODWIT was seen yesterday in the channel across from Jones Beach State Park field 10 and one or two BLACK-HEADED GULLS were also noted Thursday and today at the same location. An immature GLAUCOUS GULL continues at the Brooklyn Army Terminal Pier 4 and a young ICELAND GULL was spotted along Newtown Creek in Brooklyn last Sunday. During the week lingering RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS were noted in Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, at Caumsett State Park, and Sunken Meadow State Park on Long Island, and at Blue Mountain Reservation in Westchester. Occurring among the later lingering warblers this week have been NORTHERN PARULA at Inwood Hill Park, BLACK-THROATED BLUE in Brooklyn and WILSON'S in Prospect Park as well as quite a few ORANGE-CROWNEDS. A DICKCISSEL continues in Riverside Park in northern Manhattan often seen at the suet feeder just south of the tennis courts at about West 119th Street. The Bronx-Westchester Christmas Count last Sunday recorded 120 species including GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, RED-NECKED GREBE, a record 33 BALD EAGLES, 3 HOUSE WRENS, 4 BALTIMORE ORIOLES and 2 ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLERS. To phone in reports, call Tom Burke at (914) 967-4922. This service is sponsored by the Linnaean Society of New York and the National Audubon Society. Thank you for calling. - End transcript -- (copy & paste any URL below, then modify any text "_DOT_" to a period ".") 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