Messages by Thread
[nysbirds-l] Gray kingbird Staten Island
Joseph DiCostanzo
[nysbirds-l] Gray kingbird yes
Jennifer Kepler
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird continues Staten Island, NYC
Joseph DiCostanzo
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 3 December 2021
Ben Cacace
[nysbirds-l] Birdpedia: A Brief Compendium of Avian Lore
Kathryn Heintz
[nysbirds-l] CBC season starts a week from Tuesday!
Carena Pooth
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird at Great Kills continues
Tom Preston
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird - Yes
Corey Finger
[nysbirds-l] East Hampton. purple sandpipers
Bruce Horwith
[nysbirds-l] Dickcissel at oceanside MNSA ,Nassau county
kevin rogers
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird continues, 12/1
Anthony Ciancimino
[nysbirds-l] Fwd: [SINaturaList] Gray kingbird
Shane Blodgett
[nysbirds-l] Montezuma Birding Tours coming up!
Johnson, Alyssa
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird Great Kills Park YES 11/30
David Chernack
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird SI
John Collins
[nysbirds-l] Tufted Duck Essex County
Adrian Burke
[nysbirds-l] Fwd: [SINaturaList] Gray kingbird at GKP
Andrew Baksh
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird Great Kills Park Staten Island
[nysbirds-l] Pink-footed Goose in Bridgehampton (Suffolk County)
Ken Feustel
[nysbirds-l] Yes on Pink-footed Goose at Wappinger Lake Sat 11/27
Anne Swaim
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 26 November 2021
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] Cackling Goose, Hendrickson Park, Nassau County
Timothy Healy
[nysbirds-l] Pink-footed Goose Wappinger Lake Dutchess County
Anne Swaim
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC 11/20-11/23: Y.-br. Chat, Dickcissel, Sc. Tanager, B.-h. Vireo, lingering warblers, & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Sandhill Cranes @ Marshlands
Matthew Fuirst
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC: date-correction; addendum for 11/21
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Cattle Egret, Eastport, Suffolk
Mike Scheibel
[nysbirds-l] Cattle Egret - Eastport, Suffolk County
Eileen Schwinn
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC, Nov. 16-20: N. Gannet, G. Eagle, 8 warbler spp., frugivore-flights, Snow Buntings, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 19 November 2021
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] Sulidae on Lake Onondaga
Rich Perkins
[nysbirds-l] "Bird Photography" by Marie Read - North Shore Audubon presentation - Tues, Nov 23, 7pm
Nancy Tognan
[nysbirds-l] CBC season starts just 4 weeks from today!
Carena Pooth
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC; 11/12 thru 11/14; Dickcissel, B.-h. Vireos, Blackpoll, B.-thr. Blue, Or.-crowned, B.-&-w., & Pine Warblers, Lincoln's Sparrows, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Possible Western Meadowlark - Saratoga County
Richard Guthrie
[nysbirds-l] BBC Presents Virtual Concert: SparkBird 11/16 @ 7pm
Jennifer Kepler
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 12 November 2021
Ben Cacace
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - 11/8 thru 11/11- Y.-br. Chat, B.-g. Gnatcatcher, 1 doz.+ waterfowl spp., E. Bluebirds-a-plenty, warblers, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Cattle Egret at Hook Pond, Easthampton (Suffolk Co.)
Ken Feustel
[nysbirds-l] Intro to Project FeederWatch virtual presentation 11/13
Johnson, Alyssa
[nysbirds-l] Croton point park
Larry Trachtenberg
[nysbirds-l] Playland Lake, (Rye) Greater White-fronted Goose
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County (in NYC), Sat.-Sun., 11/6 & 11/7 - Bonaparte's Gulls, Dickcissel, E. Meadowlark & Bluebirds, B.g. Gnatcatcher, & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Interesting shorebird in Jamaica Bay
Joshua Malbin
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - 11/4 & 11/5 - L.-t. Ducks, C. Goldeneye, Am. Pipits, E. Bluebirds, B.-h. Vireo, E. Meadowlark, I. Bunting, B.-and-w. & Or.-cr. Warblers, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 5 November 2021
Ben Cacace
[nysbirds-l] Ash-throated Flycatcher (Jones Beach,)
Gail Benson
David Gillen
[nysbirds-l] Western Kingbird Heckscher SP, Suffolk, flyby
Patricia Lindsay
[nysbirds-l] Western Kingbird @ Caumsett State Park LI…
Andrew Baksh
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - 11/2 & 11/3: Cattle Egret, E. Bluebirds, Am.Pipits, Sparrows, E. Meadowlarks, & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Ash-throated Flycatcher Yes @ Jones Beach
Adrian Burke
[nysbirds-l] Cattle Egret at croton pt.
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Croton point birds
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Ash-throated Flycatcher @West End 2 Jones Beach Long Island
Andrew Baksh
[nysbirds-l] Cattle Egret, Croton Point Park
Joseph Wallace
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC: 10/31, 11/1, 11/2 - Bonaparte's Gulls, H. Larks, Am. Pipits & E. Bluebirds a-plenty, much more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Cattle Egret influx
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Oct. 31, 2021: Am. Kestrel, E. Phoebe, Purple Finch, Pine, Palm, & Yellow-rumped Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Black-legged Kittiwake Plumb Beach Brooklyn
peter paul
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Sat., 10/30 - Forster's Terns, Bonaparte's Gull, & other migrants
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] White-winged Crossbills irrupting into the Adirondacks
Joan Collins
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. Oct. 29, 2021: Green winged Teal, Great Blue Heron, Marsh Wren, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher & Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 29 October 2021
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Fri., 10/29 - 2 Chats, E. Bluebird Am. Woodcocks, Vesper Sparrows, Or.-cr. Warblers, more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Thurs., 10/28 - Y-br. Chat, Vesper Sparrows, & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Tues.-Wed., 10/26-27 - Two Scoter spp., Y.-br. Chat, warblers, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Lesser Black-backed Gulls Smith Pt
Joel Horman
[nysbirds-l] LI Storm Birding: 310 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
Shaibal Mitra
[nysbirds-l] Manhattan, NYC - Monday, 10/25 - Y.-br. Chat, Dickcissel (continues, Inwood), late warblers, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Eurasian Wigeon Jamaica Bay
Adrian Burke
[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay Hudsonian Godwits
Adrian Burke
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC: Sat.-Sun., 10/23-24- 12 sparrow spp., Dickcissel (Inwood), E. Meadowlarks, many 'late' warblers, more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Oct. 24, 2021: Clay-colored, Field, and White-crowned Sparrows, Dickcissel
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Oct. 23, 2021: Wood Duck, Fox Sparrow, 5 Species of Wood Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Cattle egret at Shirley Chisholm State Park 10/23
Lela Chapman
[nysbirds-l] Northern Shrike - Caumsett State Park
Patrick Shure
[nysbirds-l] Virtual OWL programs 10/30
Johnson, Alyssa
[nysbirds-l] Say’s Phoebe still present at Caumsett Suffolk County
Tom Preston
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Thurs.-Fri., Oct. 21-22 - diversity, incl. 15 warbler spp., Vesper Sparrow, Rusty BB, & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 22 October 2021
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC, Friday Oct. 22, 2021: Green-winged Teal, American Kestrel, Field Sparrow, Black-and-white and Nashville Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Free lecture: Bold New Vision to Protect NYC Wetlands
Kathryn Heintz
[nysbirds-l] Three eastern meadowlarks Jones Beach West End Nassau County
kevin rogers
[nysbirds-l] Juvenile Ross's Goose Avon DEC pond, Livingston County
Wasilco, Mike R (DEC)
[nysbirds-l] "Long-eared Bats" - North Shore Audubon presentation - Tues, Oct 26, 7 pm
Nancy Tognan
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - 10/19-20; Vesper Sparrow, Am. Pipits, more; & Forster's Tern on Mon., 10/18
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Say's Phoebe
Klein Coby
[nysbirds-l] Say’s Phoebe, Caumsett State Park, Suffolk
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Sun. & Monday, 10/17 & 10/18 - Dickcissel, Clay-col. Sparrow, waterfowl flight Monday, etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Bashakill wma sparrows
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Say’s Phoebe, Caumsett SP - YES
Timothy Healy
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Sat., 10/16 - Dickcissel[s], E. Meadowlark,
Tom Fiore
Jennifer Kepler
[nysbirds-l] QCBC presentation "The Language of Birds" by Peterson Guide author Nathan Pieplow - Weds, Oct 20, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Nancy Tognan
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County (NYC), Oct. 13-14-15 - Blue Grosbeak, Dickcissel, CT & Or.-cr. & 20 more spp. of Warblers, many other migrants
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 15 October 2021
Ben Cacace
[nysbirds-l] Great white heron still there
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Say's Phoebe, Caumsett State Park, Suffolk County
Suzanne Feustel
[nysbirds-l] Dickcissel - Orient (Suffolk County)
Peter Polshek
[nysbirds-l] Say’s Phoebe at Caumsett State Park (Suffolk Co.)
Ken Feustel
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Oct. 11, 2021: 7 Species of Wood Warblers, Empidonax Flycatcher, Belted Kingfisher, Sharp-shinned Hawk
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] On southern-bird influx
Joseph Wallace
[nysbirds-l] Sedge Wren Croton Point Park
Anne Swaim
[nysbirds-l] Gray Kingbird- FI Lighthouse
Eileen Schwinn
[nysbirds-l] Yellow-headed Blackbird Nassau Co. continues
Adrian Burke
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC- Oct. 10-11-12: various highlights; southern-bird-influx comments
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Great White Heron, Marshlands Conservancy, Rye
Timothy Healy
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Oct 10, 2021: 12 Species of Wood Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, Belted Kingfisher & Sat 10/9 Dickcissel
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Manhattan, Sunday 10/10
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - 10/9 - Wilson's Snipe (Gov. Island), CT Warbler (Manhattan) & 17 add'l warbler spp., etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Oct. 9, 2021: Wilson's Snipe, Belted Kingfisher, Am. Kestrel, Co. Raven, 9 Species of Wood Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Virginia Rail
Gus Keri
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC Friday, 10/8 - 2 Dickcissels (Gov. Island, & Central Park); & other migrants or visitors
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 8 October 2021
Ben Cacace
[nysbirds-l] Great White Heron still at Marshlands
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC: Fri. Oct. 8, 2021: White-eyed Vireo, White-crowned Sparrow, Indigo Bunting, 8 Species of Wood Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Wild Turkey, Cedarhurst, Nassau County
[nysbirds-l] SEDGE WREN found by David Ellison - Nyquist Harcourt Wildlife Sanctuary
Gloria H
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Thurs., 10/7 - Dickcissel, Nelson's Sparrows, warbler diversity, 2 Cuckoo spp. & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] 10/12/21: LSNY Zoom Presentation, “Winemakers’ Wingmen: How Birds and Farmers Can Help Each Other,” by Sara Kross, Ph.D.
Kathleen Matthews
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC- Tues., 10/5 & Wed., 10/6 (& state-record-specials, to the far-south)
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Final 2021 Tally for Stone Bridge Nighthawk Watch
[nysbirds-l] Great White Heron, Rye
Jay McGowan
[nysbirds-l] West End Jones Beach
John Mora
[nysbirds-l] Montezuma Migration virtual program 10/7
Johnson, Alyssa
[nysbirds-l] Varied Thrush @ Sands Point Preserve LI…
Andrew Baksh
[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn pelagic: an apology
Douglas Futuyma
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - very recent birds & to Monday Oct. 4th (incl. G.H. Owl Oct. 2nd; 22+ Warbler spp. on Oct. 3rd, etc.)
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Yellow-headed Blackbird at Nickerson Beach
Timothy Healy
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Oct. 3, 2021: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Baltimore Oriole, 10 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Cape May Warbler & more
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] The Compost Area- Central Park
Debbie Becker
[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn pelagic results
Douglas Futuyma
[nysbirds-l] Orange-crowned Warbler, Central Park NYC - Sunday, 10/3 (+ lingering Mourning Warbler lower Manhattan)
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Sat., 10/2 - Sparrow arrivals, Y-br. Chat, Blue Grosbeak, CT Warbler & 22 more warbler spp., etc.
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Friday Oct. 1, 2021: Eastern Meadowlark, 10 Species of Wood Warblers, Scarlet Tanager
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Oct. 2, 2021: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Belted Kingfisher, Lincoln's Sparrow, 12 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Cape May Warbler
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] PEFA Bird Code App
[nysbirds-l] Hudsonian Godwit @Jamaica Bay East Pond Queens Co.
Andrew Baksh
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Fri., Oct. 1st - Blue Grosbeak, E. Meadowlark, other migrants
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 1 October 2021
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] Central Park - Linnaean Society Hawkwatch
[nysbirds-l] Hunting season Oct. 1
Richard Guthrie
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Tues.-Wed., 9/28-29 - Clay-c. Sparrow; more CT Warblers; ongoing Gov.Island specials, & more!
Thomas Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Northern Wheatear on SI…
Andrew Baksh
[nysbirds-l] White Plains Rural Cemetery birds
Andrew Block
[nysbirds-l] Seatuck Birding Challenge/South Shore Re-Tern Program Zoom Meeting
Patricia Lindsay
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - Monday, 9/27 - CT Warbler, Mourning W., & 22 add'l. warbler spp., & more
Thomas Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Sept. 27, 2021 Yellow-billed cuckoo, : Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 13 Species of Wood Warblers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Tanager
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] date-correction: Richmond Co. NY Trop.-KB on Sunday 9/26!
Thomas Fiore
[nysbirds-l] "TK"-notes, & N.Y. County, NYC - 9/26 & prior days - Dickcissel[s], Blue Grosbeak, 23 Warbler spp. to at least 9/25
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun., Sept. 26, 2021: Merlin, Brown Creeper, Willow Flycatcher, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Savannah Sparrow, Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Topical Kingbird update
José R . Ramírez-Garofalo
[nysbirds-l] Tropical Kingbird - Staten Island
José R . Ramírez-Garofalo
[nysbirds-l] western tanager - brooklyn
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC 9/25 (& some prior days) - Blue Grosbeak, Dickcissel, sparrows incl. Wh.-cr., 22+ Warbler spp., multiple Monk Parakeets, & more
Tom Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Overnight Brooklyn Pelagic Re-Scheduled for Sun evening, Oct 3 - Mon, Oct 4
Paul Guris
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Sept. 25, 2021: Common Raven, Swamp Sparrow, 12 Species of Wood Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] NYC Area RBA: 24 September 2021
Gail Benson
[nysbirds-l] Golden plovers and whimbrel in queens
Jennifer Kepler
[nysbirds-l] Stone Bridge Nighthawk Watch - Recent Results
[nysbirds-l] Caspian tern at Mecox
Bruce Horwith
[nysbirds-l] N.Y. County, NYC - 9/19-20-21-22: migration-notes, incl. Dickcissel, etc.
Thomas Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - first-of-season Y.-b. Sapsuckers (fall-season 2021)
Thomas Fiore
[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Tues. Sept. 21, 2021: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Osprey, Nine Species of Wood Warblers
Deborah Allen
[nysbirds-l] Manhattan & Central Park, NYC: Monday, 9/20
Thomas Fiore