
APNIC 42 has started - participate remotely!

Hi NZNOG Community,

If you can't attend a session in person, you can participate remotely
using our online participation tools. We provide an Adobe Connect
virtual conference room with live video, audio, transcript, chat, and
real-time slides and YouTube live, allowing you to virtually attend and
participate in APNIC 42 online.


Policy SIG

If you want to play a part in how Internet number resources are managed,
be sure to participate at the three Policy SIG sessions. As well as the
proposals under discussion, there will also be interesting presentations
on whois data quality and accuracy, and IPv4 transfers.


First TC Security Session

With cyber security threats on the rise, it's important to keep up to
date on Internet security vulnerabilities, mitigation techniques, and
ways the Internet community can work together to find solutions. Check
out the FIRST Technical Colloquia sessions to hear from regional and
international Internet security experts share their real-world


Thanks to our sponsors

Huge thanks go to our APNIC 42 sponsors. We really appreciate your


Keep in touch

Stay up to date with what's happening at the conference by subscribing
to the APNIC Blog and following us on our social networks.




APNIC Secretariat                                 secretar...@apnic.net
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)   Tel:  61 7 3858 3100
PO Box 3646 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia    Fax:  61 7 3858 3199
6 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, QLD            http://www.apnic.net

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