On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 12:50 AM Richard Hector <rich...@walnut.gen.nz>

> Hi all,
> We've passed the 10th anniversary of World IPv6 Launch Day, but it
> doesn't seem like we've got very far?

Globally https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html shows steady
growth, and just passed the 40% native IPV6 mark. It's slow but steady
progress given the enormity of the protocol changes introduced and the lack
of backward compatibility.

does show NZ is lagging the average on only 19% - anecdotally, none of the
3 ISPs I've used recently for various residential connections  have made it
possible to get IPv6 - Starlink did for a few months initially, but then it
disappeared when they moved to their NZ routed ranges :(

> What happened to the Task Force? The site says it's archived, or is
> there a new one?
> Cheers,
> Richard
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Matt Brown
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