The signature base string should begin:

Technically it's incorrect for the authorization header to contain a
gessionid parameter; the standard place to put it would be in the URL
query string.  But Google tolerates this, I imagine.

Here's a little tool for checking signature computation:

On Aug 18, 7:31 pm, Randy <> wrote:
> I've been successful with GET and now trying to use POST. I've used
> the following base string for the signature: POST&%3A%2F%2F&gsessionid
> %26oauth_nonce
> %3Dcac46ac76242d8974f2a1eb883a6cb47%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-
> SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1250648662%26oauth_token
> %3D1%252FHRwOZSEYw5mwU0q89a7J7mATiaQZnWPB51nTvo8n9Sw%26oauth_version
> %3D1.0
> Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
> POST /calendar/feeds/default/private/full HTTP/1.1
> Accept: */*
> GData-Version: 2.0
> Content-Type: application/atom+xml
> Authorization: OAuth gsessionid="xpjA3uUinQTbCxbUtD3Thw",
> oauth_consumer_key="",
> oauth_nonce="cac46ac76242d8974f2a1eb883a6cb47",
> oauth_signature="opYs15Odhkde9PX5kuSV2ABvidk=",
> oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1250648662",
> oauth_token="1/HRwOZSEYw5mwU0q89a7J7mATiaQZnWPB51nTvo8n9Sw",
> oauth_version="1.0"

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