You earlier stated that multiple AS was out of scope. I am aligned that
using OAuth 2.0 needs to support the widely deployed social web use cases --
if you recall, I drove getting rid of the signature requirement! :)

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Luke Shepard <> wrote:

> On Jun 4, 2010, at 8:41 AM, Dick Hardt wrote:
> > There is more to the web than the social web Luke, and supporting
> multiple AS has been a design goal of WRAP and OAuth 2.0 and is being
> implemented.
> Whoa, I didn't say there wasn't. I agree that supporting multiple
> authorization servers is a reasonable design goal and there are some people
> who are making that work.
> I was just pointing that that a common case, today, is to have a single
> authorization server for a given resource - I mentioned several examples of
> services that work this way now. OAuth 2.0 needs to support that use case in
> a clean way.
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