Currently (draft -16) client_id is listed as a required parameter for
access token request to the token endpoint for all grant types except
for extensions.  In section 3 there is some disposition of the use of
client_id as a means of identification and then, in 3.2, a requirement
that client authentication mechanisms must "define a mapping between
the client identifier and the credentials used to authenticate."

Does this imply that, if client authentication is done at the token
endpoint for any extension grant, that the client_id parameter is also
required? If so, perhaps it could be made more explicit somewhere in
section 3 or section 5. I remember that there was some consensus a
while back that client identification/authentication should be
optional for the extensions, and that makes sense.  But when
authentication is done, it seems like it should be consistent with the
way the other grants do it - that allows for implementations to have a
cleaner separation between client authentication and grant processing.
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