Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 of are all similar
in that they have a paragraph at the top that ends with, "The following
format and processing rules SHOULD be applied:" followed by a bullet list
of specific rules. However some of the individual bullets themselves have
normative language including several that have a MUST. On rereading the
draft today, I found this to be a little confusing. I mean, what does it
mean to say that you SHOULD MUST do something? At a minimum, it seems like
kind of bad form. I'm thinking that the lead in text before each list
should just say something like "The following format and processing rules
are to be applied:" to avoid any potential logical conflict between the
normative terms. But depending on how the previous text was interpreted,
that could be considered a breaking change? That might be okay though as
this is just an abstract specification. Any thoughts?
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